NexusIterator & DataframableList

class qnexus.client.nexus_iterator.NexusIterator(
resource_type: str,
nexus_url: str,
params: Dict[str, Any],
wrapper_method: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], List[T]],
nexus_client: Client,

Bases: Generic[T], Iterator[T]

An object that can be used to summarize or iterate through a filter query made to the Nexus database.

count() int

Count the items that match the filter.

df() DataFrame

List and present in a pandas DataFrame.

list() DataframableList[T]

Collapse into RefList.

summarize() DataFrame

Present in a pandas DataFrame.

try_unique_match() T

Utility function for expecting a single match on the filter.

class qnexus.models.references.DataframableList(

Bases: list[T]

A Python list that implements the Dataframable protocol.

df() DataFrame

Present in a pandas DataFrame.