When you compile or run a quantum circuit in Nexus, you need to choose a project to associate that circuit with. Projects allow you to store related data together. For example, you can use a project to store all the circuits and results that are part of a VQE experiment.
Data that projects can contain includes:
Circuits that were compiled, along with data about the compilation steps and intermediate circuits
Circuits that were run, along with the results from running the circuits, and snapshots of the quantum system they were run on
Details of how long the circuit compilation or circuit execution jobs have taken, and the status of the jobs
Extra properties on the project which can be used to store information about an experiment, for example, or to make it easier to search for it among all your projects
You can create as many projects as you need, but each new project you create needs to have a name that you have not given to any other project you have created.
Projects created by other users can have the same name as projects you create. This may cause confusion if they share that project with you.
You can also share a project with other users or with teams. To do this, you must have administrator permissions on the project. If you created a project, you automatically have administrator permissions on that project.
If you are no longer working on a project, and want to make sure it cannot have data added to it, you can archive the project. To do this, you must have maintainer or administrator permissions on the project.
You can also delete an archived project if you have maintainer or administrator permissions on the project.