Client API for jobs in Nexus.
- enum
- value,
Strategy to use when retrying jobs.
Each strategy defines how the system should approach resolving potential conflicts with remote state.
DEFAULT will only attempt to re-sync status and collect results from the third party. Duplicate results will not be saved.
ALLOW_RESUBMIT will submit the job to the third party again if # the system has no record of a third party handle.
FORCE_RESUBMIT will submit the job to the third party again if the system has a job handle already but no result.
FULL_RESTART will act as though the job is entirely fresh and re-perform every action.
- Member Type:
Valid values are as follows:
- DEFAULT = <RemoteRetryStrategy.DEFAULT: 'DEFAULT'>¶
- job: JobRef,
Attempt cancellation of a job in Nexus.
If the job has been submitted to a backend, Nexus will request cancellation of the job.
- id: str | UUID | None = None,
- name_like: str | None = None,
- creator_email: list[str] | None = None,
- project: ProjectRef | None = None,
- properties: OrderedDict[str, bool | int | float | str] | None = None,
- job_status: list[JobStatusEnum] | None = None,
- job_type: list[JobType] | None = None,
- created_before: datetime | None = None,
- created_after: datetime | None = datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- modified_before: datetime | None = None,
- modified_after: datetime | None = None,
- sort_filters: list[SortFilterEnum] | None = None,
- page_number: int | None = None,
- page_size: int | None = None,
- scope: ScopeFilterEnum | None = None,
Get a single job using filters. Throws an exception if the filters do not match exactly one object.
- name_like: str | None = None,
- creator_email: list[str] | None = None,
- project: ProjectRef | None = None,
- properties: OrderedDict[str, bool | int | float | str] | None = None,
- job_status: list[JobStatusEnum] | None = None,
- job_type: list[JobType] | None = None,
- created_before: datetime | None = None,
- created_after: datetime | None = datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0),
- modified_before: datetime | None = None,
- modified_after: datetime | None = None,
- sort_filters: list[SortFilterEnum] | None = None,
- page_number: int | None = None,
- page_size: int | None = None,
- scope: ScopeFilterEnum | None = None,
Get a NexusIterator over jobs with optional filters.
- async
- job: JobRef,
- wait_for_status: StatusEnum = StatusEnum.COMPLETED,
Check the Status of a Job via a websocket connection. Will use SSO tokens.
- job: CompileJobRef,
- allow_incomplete: bool = False,
- job: ExecuteJobRef,
- allow_incomplete: bool = False,
Get the ResultRefs from a JobRef, if the job is complete. To enable fetching results from Jobs with incomplete items, set allow_incomplete=True.
- job: JobRef,
- retry_status: list[StatusEnum] | None = None,
- remote_retry_strategy: RemoteRetryStrategy = RemoteRetryStrategy.DEFAULT,
- user_group: str | None = None,
Retry a job in Nexus according to status(es) or retry strategy.
By default, jobs with the ERROR status will be retried.
- job: JobRef,
- wait_for_status: StatusEnum = StatusEnum.COMPLETED,
- timeout: float | None = 300.0,
Check job status until the job is complete (or a specified status).
- enum
- value,
Enumeration for the possible status of a circuit submitted to a backend.
Valid values are as follows:
- COMPLETED = <StatusEnum.COMPLETED: 'Circuit has completed. Results are ready.'>¶
- QUEUED = <StatusEnum.QUEUED: 'Circuit is queued.'>¶
- SUBMITTED = <StatusEnum.SUBMITTED: 'Circuit has been submitted.'>¶
- RUNNING = <StatusEnum.RUNNING: 'Circuit is running.'>¶
- RETRYING = <StatusEnum.RETRYING: 'Circuit is being retried.'>¶
- CANCELLING = <StatusEnum.CANCELLING: 'Cancellation has been requested.'>¶
- CANCELLED = <StatusEnum.CANCELLED: 'Circuit has been cancelled.'>¶
- ERROR = <StatusEnum.ERROR: 'Circuit has errored. Check CircuitStatus.message for error message.'>¶
- enum
- value,
Possible job statuses
- Member Type:
Valid values are as follows:
- QUEUED = <JobStatusEnum.QUEUED: 'QUEUED'>¶
- ERROR = <JobStatusEnum.ERROR: 'ERROR'>¶
- class
- *,
- id: UUID,
- annotations: Annotations,
- job_type: JobType,
- last_status: StatusEnum,
- last_message: str,
- project: ProjectRef,
- type: Literal['JobRef', 'CompileJobRef', 'ExecuteJobRef'] = 'JobRef',
Proxy object to a Job in Nexus.
- df() DataFrame ¶
Present in a pandas DataFrame.