Nexus Lab

Nexus Lab is a JupyterHub coding environment already configured with everything you need to start writing quantum programs.

Start the environment by clicking “Lab” from the Nexus web interface.

Cloud Storage

Notebooks and other files saved in the Lab are securely stored in the cloud. Circuits, results and other Nexus resources are also stored in Nexus, so using the Lab means your work is available to you and independent of the computer(s) you use to log in.

Quantum and scientific software already installed

The Lab is based on the familiar and widely-used Jupyter Lab and has key packages already installed and available, including:

  • nexus_api/qnexus_api for saving circuits, running compilations and quantum executions on Nexus.

  • pytket plus extensions for compiling and running quantum circuits. Nexus provides a number of backends: for more details see “Backends”.

  • scipy, numpy, pandas, matplotlib and many other widely-used Python libraries.

  • plus many others. For a full list, launch a notebook and run !pip freeze | sort

Automatic authentication with Nexus

In addition, when Nexus is used from the Lab environment, it is automatically authenticated as you. (Find out how to authenticate and use Nexus from other environments here.)

Monitor jobs and devices from the Lab

Finally, plugins in the Lab enable you to check on job status, device access and manage code checked out using git without leaving the Lab.

Git Integration

The Lab also has Git integration, allowing you to clone, push, pull, and commit to Git repositories directly from the Lab interface or via the git command line interface in the terminal.