Getting Started¶
Unique Hardware Capabilities¶
The TKET framework (pronounced “ticket”) is a software platform for the development and execution of gate-level quantum computation, providing state-of-the-art performance in circuit compilation. TKET is available as an opensource python package, pytket
. qnexus
is the python client to submit TKET programs to Quantinuum Systems.

A schematic of user-facing tools and available server-side compute resources.¶
Unique features of Quantinuum Systems are demonstrated in the following documents:
Overview on accessing server-side Quantinuum emulators in addition to noise model customization.
Mid-circuit Measurement with Reset (MCMR) allows qubits to be measured and reused during circuit execution. This feature is utilized in a \([[3, 1, 1]]\) code demonstration.
Hardware native 2-qubit gates including the parameterized angle ZZ gate (OpType.ZZPhase
) and the generalized \(SU(4)\) entangling gate.
Classically conditioned operations on qubits and logical expressions on classical registers during the coherence time of qubits.
Enable consecutive execution of multiple jobs without chunk-level contamination from organizations’ jobs.
Server-side capability enabling real-time, user-defined QEC decoding using WebAssembly (Wasm). The user generates Wasm using client-side tools.
API options to control server-side compiler options and emulators parameters for execute jobs targetting Quantinuum Systems.
The software can be installed using the command below:
pip install pytket qnexus
pip install pandas seaborn
The cards below link to Nexus trainings (left) and TKET trainings (right).
Job submission, visbility and monitoring for server-side compilation and execution on Quantinuum Systems and emulators.
Circuit construction and local compilation passes using TKET. Circuits are required for job submission.
Alternate Tools & Submission Pathways¶
PackageWorkflow to enable Qiskit submission to Quantinuum Systems. Requires client-side translation from Qiskit to TKET using off-the-shelf opensource Quantinuum tools.
Usage of opensource client-side python tool, pytket-quantinuum
, to enable submission of TKET circuits to Quantinuum hardware and emulators. An alternative tool to
Usage of opensource client-side python or C++ tool, CUDA-Q
, to enable generate and submit quantum programs to Quantinuum Systems. An alternative tool to both pytket
and qnexus