Getting Started

The following is demonstrated in the notebooks:

  • Login into Quantinuum

  • H-Series Workflow with tket

  • Batch submission workflow

  • Access to local and cloud emulators

  • Mid-circuit Measurement with Reset

  • Arbitrary angle, \(RZZ\) gate

  • Native \(SU(4)\) gates

  • Classical operations and classical-conditioned gates

  • Submission to H-Series using Qiskit

What is TKET?

The TKET framework (pronounced “ticket”) is a software platform for the development and execution of gate-level quantum computation, providing state-of-the-art performance in circuit compilation. It was created and is maintained by Quantinuum. The toolset is designed to extract the most out of the available NISQ devices of today and is platform-agnostic.

In python, the pytket packages is available for python 3.10+. The pytket and pytket-quantinuum packages are included as part of the installation instructions on the user portal.

See the links below for the pytket and pytket-quantinuum documentation: