Protocols for overlaps¶
The Overlap
of the two quantum states \(\ket{\Psi_0}\) and \(\ket{\Psi_1}\) with a kernel \(\hat{A}\) is, in general, a complex number given by
where \(\hat{A}\) is a QubitOperator
i.e. it is written as a linear combination of Pauli strings \(\hat{A} = \sum_i c_i P_i\), and may be an identity.
InQuanto supports shot-based calculations of overlaps with the HadamardTestOverlap
, SwapFactorizedOverlap
, and ComputeUncomputeFactorizedOverlap
protocols, discussed below.
Let \(\ket{\Psi_0} = U_0 \ket{\bar{0}}\) and \(\ket{\Psi_1} = U_1 \ket{\bar{0}}\), where \(U_0\) and \(U_1\) are state preparation unitaries.
The HadamardTestOverlap
protocol uses a “linear combination of unitaries” approach with a single ancilla on which to control the state preparation unitaries [30].
This protocol offers two measurement options: direct=False
, where measurement is performed on the ancilla qubit only, and direct=True
, where measurement is performed on both
the ancilla and state registers [31]. First, we discuss the direct=False
To calculate the real part of the overlap, \(\text{Re}\langle \Psi_0 | \Psi_1 \rangle\), a single circuit is required which takes the form:

Fig. 12 Measurement circuit for the real part of the overlap with identity kernel, generated by the HadamardTestOverlap
protocol with direct=False
. The first qubit is the ancilla and the remaining qubits comprise the state register.¶
This circuit prepares the quantum state:
where the first ket in each term is the ancilla, and \(|\Psi_0 \pm \Psi_1\rangle = (U_0 \pm U_1)|\bar{0}\rangle\) is the state register. Given this state, the real part of the overlap is given by \(\text{Re}\langle \Psi_0 | \Psi_1 \rangle = p(0) - p(1)\), where \(p(b)\) is the probability of measuring the ancilla qubit in the state \(b\). To compute the imaginary part of the overlap, a similar circuit is required with a small modification compared to the circuit above:

Fig. 13 Measurement circuit for the imaginary part of the overlap with identity kernel, generated by the HadamardTestOverlap
protocol with direct=False
and the imaginary part is given equivalently by \(\text{Im}\langle \Psi_0 | \Psi_1 \rangle = p(0) - p(1)\).
For an overlap with a kernel \(\hat{A}=\sum_i c_i P_i\), we may write:
where each Pauli word has been appended to the \(| \Psi_1 \rangle\) state preparation; \(| \Psi_1^i \rangle = P_i U_1 |\bar{0}\rangle\). Each term in this sum is then computed
independently as described above. Thus, with direct=False
, to compute the complex overlap with a kernel of \(N\) terms, \(2N\) circuits are required.
In the direct=True
case, the Pauli words in \(\hat{A}\) are partitioned into simultaneously measurable sets (commuting sets, for example). Measurement circuits for each set
are then appended to the end of the state register, similarly to the Pauli averaging protocol. These circuits take the form:

Fig. 14 Measurement circuit for the real part of the overlap, generated by HadamardTestOverlap
with direct=True
, where \(X_{ijk\dots}\) is the set of circuits required to measure the matrix elements of a set of simultaneously measurable Pauli words. The first qubit is the ancilla and the remaining qubits comprise the state register.¶
In this case, measurement of the state register measures \(\langle \Psi_0 + \Psi_1 | P_i | \Psi_0 + \Psi_1 \rangle\) when the ancilla is \(|0\rangle\), and
\(\langle \Psi_0 - \Psi_1 | P_i | \Psi_0 - \Psi_1 \rangle\) when the ancilla is \(|1\rangle\). By taking a linear combination of these outcomes we can retrieve
\(\langle \Psi_0 | P_i | \Psi_1\rangle\). Thus, with direct=True
, to compute the complex overlap with a kernel we require \(2N_p\) circuits, where \(N_p\) is
the number of simultaneously measurable sets of Pauli words in the kernel.
A simple example of using this protocol is given below:
from inquanto.operators import QubitOperator
from inquanto.states import QubitState, FermionState
from inquanto.ansatzes import FermionSpaceAnsatzUCCSD, HardwareEfficientAnsatz
from inquanto.computables import Overlap
from inquanto.protocols import HadamardTestOverlap
from pytket import OpType
from pytket.extensions.qiskit import AerBackend
from pytket.partition import PauliPartitionStrat
bra = HardwareEfficientAnsatz([OpType.Rx, OpType.Ry], QubitState([1, 1, 0, 0]), 2)
ket = FermionSpaceAnsatzUCCSD(4, FermionState([1, 1, 0, 0], 1))
params = (
| ket.state_symbols.construct_random()
kernel = QubitOperator.from_string("(-0.1, Z0), (0.1, Z1), (0.25, X0 X1)")
ovlp = Overlap(bra, ket, kernel)
protocol = HadamardTestOverlap(
protocol.build_from(params, ovlp)
circs = protocol.get_circuits()
print("Num circuits: ", len(circs))
print("Circuit 0 depth: ", circs[0].depth())
Num circuits: 4
Circuit 0 depth: 217