
Protocols for Expectation Values

class PauliAveraging(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, pauli_partition_strategy=PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets, pauli_color_method=GraphColourMethod.Lazy, **kwargs)

Bases: ProtocolListItem, PartiallyPickleable, QermitRunMixin, ComputableCompliantMixin

Calculates the expectation value of a Hermitian operator by operator averaging the system register.

Implements the ‘Operator Averaging’ procedure (see: arXiv:1407.7863, arXiv:1510.04279).

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots for each circuit. Default is 8000.

  • pauli_partition_strategy (Optional[PauliPartitionStrat], default: PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets) – Strategy to partition Pauli operators.

  • pauli_color_method (Optional[GraphColourMethod], default: GraphColourMethod.Lazy) – Method to perform graph coloring.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the backend’s get_compiled_circuits() method.

build(parameters, state, *operators, noise_mitigation=None)

Builds the necessary circuits and measurement data for the state and Pauli strings in the operators.


The coefficients in the operators are ignored.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – A dictionary containing the parameter values for the circuits.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – Parametrized input state.

  • operators (QubitOperator) – Qubit operators, the Pauli strings in these QubitOperator objects are used to generate measurement circuits.

  • noise_mitigation (Optional[NoiseMitigation], default: None) – The noise mitigation instance containing pre and post mitigation strategies.


PauliAveraging – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, noise_mitigation=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operators appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it calls the build() method.


NotImplementedError – If not all ExpectationValue nodes in the computable tree contain the same state.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Parameters for building.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree, simply it is a computable expression.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • noise_mitigation (Optional[NoiseMitigation], default: None) – The noise mitigation instance containing pre and post mitigation strategies.


PauliAveraging – Modified instance after circuit building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, noise_mitigation=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operator kernels appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of PauliAveraging for each distinct state and calls the build() method with the kernel operators associated with the state. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Values for the parameters in the computable expression.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • noise_mitigation (Optional[NoiseMitigation], default: None) – The noise mitigation instance containing pre and post mitigation strategies.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the constructor of PauliAveraging.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of PauliAveraging.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated and built protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


PauliAveraging – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.


Create a DataFrame consisting of computational details.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame with columns 'Pauli string', 'Mean', and 'Standard error'. Each row represents a unique Pauli string and its associated mean and standard error.


Create a DataFrame consisting of partitioning info.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame with columns 'Pauli string', 'Circuit index', and 'Circuit name'. Each row represents a Pauli string and its circuit index pairs.


Save the object to a file using pickle.


file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to write the pickled data to.

Return type:



Returns the object pickled as a bytes object.


bytes – The object’s state pickled as a bytes object.

evaluate_expectation_uvalue(state, kernel)

Evaluates the expectation value of a Hermitian kernel with linear error propagation theory.

Similarly to evaluate_expectation_value(), this can be only performed if before calling this protocol has been built for the state and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings).


It is assumed the measurements for each Pauli strings are independent, that is not generally the case if measurement reduction is applied.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – The quantum state for which the expectation value of the kernel is to be calculated.

  • kernel (QubitOperator) – The operator for which the expectation value is being computed.


ufloat – The expectation value of the kernel with respect to the given state with standard error.

evaluate_expectation_value(state, kernel)

Evaluates the provided expectation value.

Computes the expectation value with the kernel and state provided.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for the input state and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – The quantum state for which the expectation value of the kernel is to be calculated.

  • kernel (QubitOperator) – The operator for which the expectation value is being computed.


float – The expectation value of the kernel with respect to the given state.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_evaluator_for_result(backend_result, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an evaluator function for a given backend result sampling.


Internally, this creates a copy of the protocol.

  • backend_result (list[BackendResult]) – A pytket BackendResult sampling.

  • *args – Arguments to be passed to the get_evaluator() method.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to the get_evaluator() method.


Evaluatable – A function that can evaluate quantum computable according to get_evaluator().

get_evaluators_for_results(backend_result_sampling, *args, **kwargs)

Returns evaluator functions for a list of backend result samplings or a list of backend results.

This method creates sampled backend results and calls get_evaluator() using each of them.

  • backend_result_sampling (Union[BackendResultSampling, list[BackendResult]]) – A pytket BackendResult sampling method class or a list of BackendResult.

  • *args – Arguments to be passed to the get_evaluator() method.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to the get_evaluator() method.


list[Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]]] – A list of functions that can evaluate quantum computables according to get_evaluator().

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

classmethod load(file, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a file.

  • file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to load the pickled data from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

classmethod loads(pickled_data, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a bytes object.

  • pickled_data (bytes) – The pickled data to load the object from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


PauliAveraging – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

run_mitex(mitex, characterisation)

Run via Qermit MitEx instance with provided characterisation.

The following steps will be executed: Step 1: State and Pauli strings are converted to ObservableExperiment experiments. Step 2: The experiments are run via the MitEx instance. Step 3: Results are processed and internal data structures are updated.

  • mitex (MitEx) – The instance of MitEx to run.

  • characterisation (Dict) – The characterisation to use for the run.


PauliAveraging – An instance of the class with updated data.

run_mitres(mitres, characterisation)

Run via Qermit MitRes instance with provided characterisation.

The following steps will be executed: Step 1: circuits and shots will be generated and passed to MitRes instance to run. Step 2: the backend results from the MitRes run is retrieved and internal data is updated.

  • mitres (MitRes) – The instance of MitRes to run.

  • characterisation (Dict) – The characterisation to use for the run.


PauliAveraging – An instance of the class with updated data.

class HadamardTest(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, **kwargs)

Bases: ProtocolListItem, PartiallyPickleable, ComputableCompliantMixin

Calculate the expectation value of a qubit operator using Hadamard tests.

Given an operator as a linear combination of Pauli strings, \(H = \sum_i c_i P_i\), computes the expectation value \(\langle H \rangle\) by performing a set of Hadamard tests to measure the real expectation value of each pauli string (see also the wikipedia article).

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots for each circuit.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the backend’s get_compiled_circuits() method.

build(parameters, state, *operators)

Builds Hadamard test measurement circuits for each Pauli string.


The coefficients in the operators are ignored.


TypeVar(T, bound= HadamardTest) – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operators appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it calls the build() method.


NotImplementedError – If not all ExpectationValue nodes in the computable tree contain the same state.


HadamardTest – The modified instance after circuit assembly.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a ProtocolList with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operator kernels appearing in nodes of type:

After walking over the tree, it creates an instance of HadamardTest for each distinct state and calls the build() method with the kernel operators associated with the state. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.


ProtocolListProtocolList of the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= HadamardTest)

compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


HadamardTest – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.


Create a DataFrame consisting of computational details.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame with columns 'Pauli string', 'Mean', and 'Standard error'. Each row represents a unique Pauli string and its associated mean and standard error.


Save the object to a file using pickle.


file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to write the pickled data to.

Return type:



Returns the object pickled as a bytes object.


bytes – The object’s state pickled as a bytes object.

evaluate_expectation_value(state, kernel)

Evaluates the provided expectation value.

Computes the expectation value with the kernel and state provided.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for the input state and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – The expectation value of the kernel with respect to the given state.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


List[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

classmethod load(file, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a file.

  • file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to load the pickled data from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

classmethod loads(pickled_data, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a bytes object.

  • pickled_data (bytes) – The pickled data to load the object from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[List[ResultHandle], List[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


TypeVar(T, bound= HadamardTest) – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

Protocols for Overlap Squared

class ComputeUncompute(backend, n_shots=8000, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol

Calculates the overlap squared with the compute-uncompute method.

For input states \(|{\psi}\rangle = U|{0}\rangle\) and \(|{\phi}\rangle = V|{0}\rangle\), prepares the state \(U^\dagger V|{0}\rangle\). The overlap squared \(|\langle{\psi|\phi}\rangle|^2\) is then given by the probability of measuring a vacuum state \(|{0}\rangle\). See

Supports calculation of overlap squared of the form: \(|\langle\psi|cP|\phi\rangle|^2\), where \(P\) is a Pauli word and \(c\) is a numeric constant.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • n_shots (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots to perform.

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, kernel=None)

Builds the necessary circuits and measurement data.


Any coefficient in the operator kernel is ignored.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Self instance after building the necessary circuits and measurement data.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, **kwargs)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method when it encounters a node of type OverlapSquared.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Returns the modified instanceafter building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects leaf nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of this protocol for each distinct bra, ket, kernel trio and calls the build() method. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Values for the parameters in the computable expression.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol)

compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.


Save the object to a file using pickle.


file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to write the pickled data to.

Return type:



Returns the object pickled as a bytes object.


bytes – The object’s state pickled as a bytes object.

evaluate_overlap_squared(bra_state, ket_state, kernel)

Evaluates the overlap squared for given states and kernel.



Input states and pauli string in the kernel need to match with the states and pauli string the circuit was built for to correctly interpret the circuit output distribution.


Overlap squared.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(c, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.


All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be OverlapSquared.


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • c (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • args (Any) –

  • kwargs (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

classmethod load(file, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a file.

  • file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to load the pickled data from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

classmethod loads(pickled_data, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a bytes object.

  • pickled_data (bytes) – The pickled data to load the object from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

class DestructiveSwapTest(backend, n_shots=8000, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol

Calculate the overlap squared with the destructive swap test.

Based on Prepares both bra and ket states in parallel and performs a destructive swap test i.e. no ancilla qubit is required. The test succeeds when a bitwise AND between the output bra and ket state registers has even parity. The probability of success is given by \(\frac{1}{2}(1+|\langle{\psi|\phi}\rangle|^2)\).

The bra state register is used as the control, while the ket register is the target.

Supports calculation of overlap squared of the form: \(|\langle\psi|cP|\phi\rangle|^2\), where \(P\) is a Pauli word and \(c\) is a numeric constant.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • n_shots (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots to perform.

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, kernel=None)

Builds the necessary circuits and measurement data.


Any coefficient in the operator kernel is ignored.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Self instance after building the necessary circuits and measurement data.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, **kwargs)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method when it encounters a node of type OverlapSquared.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Returns the modified instanceafter building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects leaf nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of this protocol for each distinct bra, ket, kernel trio and calls the build() method. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Values for the parameters in the computable expression.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol)

compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.


Save the object to a file using pickle.


file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to write the pickled data to.

Return type:



Returns the object pickled as a bytes object.


bytes – The object’s state pickled as a bytes object.

evaluate_overlap_squared(bra_state, ket_state, kernel)

Evaluates the overlap squared for given states and kernel.



Input states and pauli string in the kernel need to match with the states and pauli string the circuit was built for to correctly interpret the circuit output distribution.


Overlap squared.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(c, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.


All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be OverlapSquared.


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • c (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • args (Any) –

  • kwargs (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

classmethod load(file, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a file.

  • file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to load the pickled data from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

classmethod loads(pickled_data, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a bytes object.

  • pickled_data (bytes) – The pickled data to load the object from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

class SwapTest(backend, n_shots=8000, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol

Calculate the overlap squared with the canonical swap test.

Input states \(|\psi\rangle\) and \(|\phi\rangle\) are prepared in parallel alongside an ancilla qubit to generate the state \(|0, \psi, \phi\rangle\). A swap operation between \(\psi\) and \(\phi\) is controlled on the ancilla and wrapped by Hadamard gates so that the probability of measuring \(|0\rangle\) on the ancilla is given by \(\frac{1}{2}(1+|\langle\psi|\phi\rangle|^2)\). See

Supports calculation of overlap squared of the form: \(|\langle\psi|cP|\phi\rangle|^2\), where \(P\) is a Pauli word and \(c\) is a numeric constant.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • n_shots (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots to perform.

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, kernel=None)

Builds the necessary circuits and measurement data.


Any coefficient in the operator kernel is ignored.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Self instance after building the necessary circuits and measurement data.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, **kwargs)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method when it encounters a node of type OverlapSquared.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Returns the modified instanceafter building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects leaf nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of this protocol for each distinct bra, ket, kernel trio and calls the build() method. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Values for the parameters in the computable expression.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol)

compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.


Save the object to a file using pickle.


file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to write the pickled data to.

Return type:



Returns the object pickled as a bytes object.


bytes – The object’s state pickled as a bytes object.

evaluate_overlap_squared(bra_state, ket_state, kernel)

Evaluates the overlap squared for given states and kernel.



Input states and pauli string in the kernel need to match with the states and pauli string the circuit was built for to correctly interpret the circuit output distribution.


Overlap squared.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(c, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.


All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be OverlapSquared.


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • c (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • args (Any) –

  • kwargs (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

classmethod load(file, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a file.

  • file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to load the pickled data from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

classmethod loads(pickled_data, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a bytes object.

  • pickled_data (bytes) – The pickled data to load the object from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


TypeVar(T, bound= BaseOverlapSquaredProtocol) – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

Protocols for Overlaps

class HadamardTestOverlap(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, direct=False, pauli_partition_strategy=PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets, pauli_color_method=GraphColourMethod.Lazy, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseOverlapProtocol

Calculates the overlap of two states using a specialized Hadamard test.

Computes the real or imaginary part of \(\langle A | B \rangle\) where \(|A\rangle = U_A |0\rangle\) using the “linear combination of unitaries” method from (see figure 2). For direct=True, this method uses the approach from to combine ancilla and state register measurements to compute overlaps with kernels.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots to perform.

  • direct (bool, default: False) – Relevant for overlaps with non-identity kernels. If True, Pauli words are divided into simultaneously measurable sets and computed using direct measurement of expectation values on the state register.

  • pauli_partition_strategy (Optional[PauliPartitionStrat], default: PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets) – For direct=True. Strategy to partition Pauli operators.

  • pauli_color_method (Optional[GraphColourMethod], default: GraphColourMethod.Lazy) – For direct=True. Method to perform graph coloring.

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, *operators, component)

Builds the necessary circuits for computing an overlap.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method for leaves of type Overlap, OverlapReal, and OverlapImag.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Parameters for building.

  • computable (Any) – A root node of a computable expression tree, simply it is a computable expression.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.


BaseOverlapProtocol – The modified instance after building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operator kernels appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of HadamardTestOverlap for each distinct bra, ket pair of states, and calls the build() method with the kernel operators associated with the states. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

evaluate_overlap(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


complex – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_imag(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the imaginary part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='imag' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_real(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the real part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='real' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Kwargs to be passed in to build the protocol.

  • args (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

class FactorizedOverlap(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, direct=False, pauli_partition_strategy=PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets, pauli_color_method=GraphColourMethod.Lazy, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseOverlapProtocol

Abstract base class for specialized overlap protocols between ansatzes that factorize into a reference and a number conserving unitary.

Computes the real or imaginary part of \(\langle A | B \rangle\) where \(|A\rangle = U_A U_\text{ref}|0\rangle\) and \(|B\rangle = U_B U_\text{ref}|0\rangle\) in the manner shown in Figures 1 and 2 of These protocols make use of the property that \(U_A |0\rangle = |0\rangle\) to avoid the potentially large controlled state unitaries involved in e.g. HadamardTestOverlap.


Only ansatzes with the property that \(U_A |0\rangle = |0\rangle\) are compatible with protocols of this type.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) –

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) –

  • direct (bool, default: False) –

  • pauli_partition_strategy (Optional[PauliPartitionStrat], default: PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets) –

  • pauli_color_method (Optional[GraphColourMethod], default: GraphColourMethod.Lazy) –

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, *operators, component)

Builds the necessary circuits for computing an overlap.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method for leaves of type Overlap, OverlapReal, and OverlapImag.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Parameters for building.

  • computable (Any) – A root node of a computable expression tree, simply it is a computable expression.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.


BaseOverlapProtocol – The modified instance after building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operator kernels appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of HadamardTestOverlap for each distinct bra, ket pair of states, and calls the build() method with the kernel operators associated with the states. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

evaluate_overlap(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


complex – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_imag(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the imaginary part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='imag' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_real(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the real part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='real' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Kwargs to be passed in to build the protocol.

  • args (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

class SwapFactorizedOverlap(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, direct=False, pauli_partition_strategy=PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets, pauli_color_method=GraphColourMethod.Lazy, **kwargs)

Bases: FactorizedOverlap

Uses an ancillary state register to obviate controlled ansatz unitaries.

Computes the real or imaginary part of \(\langle A | B \rangle\) where \(|A\rangle = U_A U_\text{ref}|0\rangle\) and \(|B\rangle = U_B U_\text{ref}|0\rangle\) in the manner shown in Figure 1 of

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots to perform.

  • direct (bool, default: False) – Relevant for overlaps with non-identity kernels. If True, Pauli words are divided into simultaneously measurable sets and computed using direct measurement of expectation values on the state register.

  • pauli_partition_strategy (Optional[PauliPartitionStrat], default: PauliPartitionStrat.NonConflictingSets) – For direct=True. Strategy to partition Pauli operators.

  • pauli_color_method (Optional[GraphColourMethod], default: GraphColourMethod.Lazy) – For direct=True. Method to perform graph coloring.

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, *operators, component)

Builds the necessary circuits for computing an overlap.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method for leaves of type Overlap, OverlapReal, and OverlapImag.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Parameters for building.

  • computable (Any) – A root node of a computable expression tree, simply it is a computable expression.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.


BaseOverlapProtocol – The modified instance after building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operator kernels appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of HadamardTestOverlap for each distinct bra, ket pair of states, and calls the build() method with the kernel operators associated with the states. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

evaluate_overlap(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


complex – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_imag(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the imaginary part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='imag' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_real(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the real part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='real' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Kwargs to be passed in to build the protocol.

  • args (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

class ComputeUncomputeFactorizedOverlap(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, **kwargs)

Bases: FactorizedOverlap

Computes the ket and uncomputes the bra to construct the required linear combination on a single state register.

Computes the real or imaginary part of \(\langle A | B \rangle\) where \(|A\rangle = U_A U_\text{ref}|0\rangle\) and \(|B\rangle = U_B U_\text{ref}|0\rangle\) in the manner shown in Figure 2 of

This protocol is not compatible with the “direct” operator averaging approach.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots to perform.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the backend’s get_compiled_circuits() method.

build(parameters, bra_state, ket_state, *operators, component)

Builds the necessary circuits for computing an overlap.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method for leaves of type Overlap, OverlapReal, and OverlapImag.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Parameters for building.

  • computable (Any) – A root node of a computable expression tree, simply it is a computable expression.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.


BaseOverlapProtocol – The modified instance after building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects all qubit operator kernels appearing in nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of HadamardTestOverlap for each distinct bra, ket pair of states, and calls the build() method with the kernel operators associated with the states. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

evaluate_overlap(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


complex – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_imag(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the imaginary part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='imag' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.

evaluate_overlap_real(bra_state, ket_state, kernel={(): 1.0})

Evaluates the real part of the overlap for given states and kernel.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for component='real' or 'complex', with the same input states and kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), and the protocol has also been run.


float – Real part of the overlap.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Kwargs to be passed in to build the protocol.

  • args (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


BaseOverlapProtocol – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

Statevector-Based Protocols

class SparseStatevectorProtocol(backend, cache_dict=None, caching_decorator=cached, **kwargs)

Bases: _BaseStatevectorProtocol, PhaseShiftRuleMixin

Protocol for sparse statevector calculations using caching.

Uses an (optionally) externally provided cache-handling class and an external caching decorator to wrap its methods to be cached.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • cache_dict (Optional[CacheDict], default: None) – A caching dict object. If None, an empty CacheDict is implicitly instantiated.

  • caching_decorator (Callable[[Callable[…, Any]], Callable[…, Any]], default: cached) – A caching decorator, that needs to take both an arbitrary function and a cache-handler as parameters. By default, a function decorator local to the class module is used.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments passes to the backend.

property cache_dict: CacheDict

Returns the cache-handling object.


Returns a cache hit report in the pandas DataFrame format.

Return type:



Resets the internal state of the object by clearing all stored data.

Sets the backend to None, and clears the cache.


keep_cache (bool, default: False) – Whether to keep old cache.

Return type:



Returns a deep copy of the protocol.

Return type:


get_evaluator(parameters, allow_partial=True)

Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type. The returned evaluator handles various computable types, such as expectation values, their derivatives, overlaps, etc.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Symbols and their values to be used in the evaluation.

  • allow_partial (bool, default: True) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Any], Any] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If the Computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the Computable itself.


Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. Supported computable are:


qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.


Callable[[Union[ndarray, dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Converts a dictionary of parameters to a numpy array.

  • sympy.Symbol (A dictionary where keys can be strings or) –

  • numeric. (and values are) –

  • parameters (dict) –


ndarray – An array of the parameter values.


TypeError – If any key in the parameters is not a string or sympy.Symbol.

class BackendStatevectorProtocol(backend, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: _BaseStatevectorProtocol

Statevector protocol utilizing backend functionality to enable statevector simulations.


backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.


Returns a deep copy of the protocol.

Return type:


get_evaluator(parameters, allow_partial=True)

Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type. The returned evaluator handles various computable types, such as expectation values, their derivatives, overlaps, etc.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Symbols and their values to be used in the evaluation.

  • allow_partial (bool, default: True) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Any], Any] – A function that can evaluates quantum computables. If the Computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the Computable itself.


Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. Supported computables are:


qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.

class SymbolicProtocol(simplifier=None)

Bases: StateBasedProtocolMixin

Protocol for statevector calculations using Sympy symbolic evaluation.


This protocol caches the symbolic states, therefore one evaluation might be slow, but subsequent evaluations cost less time.


simplifier (Callable[[Expr], Expr], default: None) – A sympy simplifier that will be applied on the results before substitution, default is None.


Resets the internal state of the object by clearing all stored data.

Clears runtime auxiliary variables in the protocol.

Return type:


get_evaluator(parameters, allow_partial=True)

Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type. The returned evaluator handles various computable types, such as expectation values, their derivatives, overlaps, etc.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Symbols and their values to be used in the evaluation.

  • allow_partial (bool, default: True) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluates quantum computables. If the Computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the Computable itself.


Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. Supported computables are:


qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.

Protocols for Derivatives

class HadamardTestDerivativeOverlap(backend, shots_per_circuit=10000, **kwargs)

Bases: ProtocolListItem, PartiallyPickleable, ComputableCompliantMixin

Calculate the derivative overlap (“Metric tensor”) of a parametrized reference state using an ancilla qubit.

Computes the real or imaginary part of the quantity \(\langle \partial_i \psi | \partial_j \psi \rangle\). See and section III.B of

Input state \(|\psi(\theta)\rangle\) is “regularized” so that all parameters are replaced with dummy parameters such that each gate in the state preparation circuit depends on a single dummy parameter, and each parameter appears only once: \(|\psi(\theta^{'})\rangle = \prod_i U_i(\theta_i^{'}) |0\rangle\). Using the chain rule, the derivative overlap is then given by \(\langle \partial_i \psi | \partial_j \psi \rangle = \sum_{kl} J_{ki} J_{lj} \langle \partial_k^{'} \psi | \partial_l^{'} \psi \rangle\) where \(J_{ki} = \partial\theta_k^{'}/\partial\theta_i\) is the Jacobian, and \(\langle \partial_k^{'} \psi | \partial_l^{'} \psi \rangle\) is the regularized derivative overlap, for which we construct circuits to compute.


Imaginary part is not yet supported.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 10000) –

    Number of shots for each circuit.

    **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed in to the backend.

build(parameters, state, diff_symbols=None, component=NumberType.REAL)

Builds measurement circuits for a derivative overlap, or matrix of derivative overlaps (“Metric tensor”).

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Numeric values for ansatz parameters.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – Parametrized input state \(|\psi(\theta)\rangle\) with which to calculate derivative overlap.

  • diff_symbols (Union[tuple[Symbol, Symbol], list[tuple[Symbol, Symbol]], None], default: None) – Symbol pairs with respect to which the bra and ket derivatives are computed. If None, the entire metric tensor is computed.

  • component (Union[str, NumberType], default: <NumberType.REAL: 'real'>) – Component of derivative overlap to measure: ‘real’ or ‘imag’.


Imaginary part is not yet supported. A DecomposeBoxes() and DecomposeMultiQubitsCX() pass will be applied to the state preparation circuits to reduce all parametrized gates to single qubit gates.


HadamardTestDerivativeOverlap – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls the build() method for leaves of type MetricTensorReal.


HadamardTestDerivativeOverlap – Returns the modified instance after building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects leaf nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of this protocol for each distinct state and calls the build() method. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Values for the parameters in the computable expression.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=None, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

“Preoptimization” passes, performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes, may optionally be specified via the preoptimize_passes argument. Default preoptimization passes are not available for this protocol, due to the passes applied during the build stage – see documentation for the build() method for further details.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Preoptimize passes to be applied as above.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


HadamardTestDerivativeOverlap – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

distributions: Optional[list[EmpiricalDistribution]]

Save the object to a file using pickle.


file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to write the pickled data to.

Return type:



Returns the object pickled as a bytes object.


bytes – The object’s state pickled as a bytes object.

evaluate_derivative_overlap(state=None, diff_symbols=None)

Evaluates the derivative overlap, or matrix of derivative overlaps (“Metric tensor”).

If input args are code:None, computes the derivative overlap for which this protocol was built.

state: Quantum state for which the derivative overlap is to be calculated. diff_symbols: The set of symbols with respect to which the derivatives are evaluated. If None, all

elements of the metric tensor are evaluated.


dict[tuple[Symbol, Symbol], float] – Dict of metric tensor elements indexed by the symbols with respect to which the bra and ket derivatives are performed.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Return pandas dataframe showing computational details.

Shows all ingredients in the calculation of the derivative overlap. Each row is a term in (the real or imaginary part of): \(\langle \partial_i \psi | \partial_j \psi \rangle = \sum_{kl} J_{ki} J_{lj} \langle \partial_k^{'} \psi | \partial_l^{'} \psi \rangle\).

Column headings are:
  • Symbols: tuple of symbols i and j.

  • Regularized symbols: tuple of symbols k and l.

  • Prefactor: Product of Jacobians \(J_{ki} J_{lj}\). With a minus sign if necessary for the imaginary part.

  • Circuit index: Index of measurement circuit in get_circuits() which computes the real/imag part of the regularized derivative overlap \(\langle \partial_k^{'} \psi | \partial_l^{'} \psi \rangle\). If None, the regularized derivative overlap is 1.


DataFrame – Dataframe detailing the calculation.


Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluates quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.


Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.


All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be MetricTensorReal.


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.


qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], Any] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


list[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

classmethod load(file, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a file.

  • file (Union[str, BinaryIO]) – The file path or file object to load the pickled data from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

classmethod loads(pickled_data, *args, **kwargs)

Load a pickled object from a bytes object.

  • pickled_data (bytes) – The pickled data to load the object from.

  • *args (Any) – Additional arguments passed to the class constructor.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


TypeVar(T, bound= PartiallyPickleable) – An instance of the class with its state loaded from the pickled data.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

parameters: Optional[dict[str | Symbol, CoeffType]]
rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(source, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[list[ResultHandle], list[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


HadamardTestDerivativeOverlap – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

class HadamardTestDerivative(backend, shots_per_circuit=8000, direct=True, **kwargs)

Bases: ProtocolListItem, ComputableCompliantMixin

Calculates a partial derivative of an expectation value using Hadamard test.

Implements the procedure and it’s variant described in arXiv:1701.01450.

If direct=True, both ancilla and all other qubits are measured (original method). If it is instead set to False, an alternative circuit is built, and only ancilla qubit is measured.

  • backend (Union[Backend, BackendConfig]) – The backend to use for quantum computations.

  • shots_per_circuit (int, default: 8000) – Number of shots for each circuit.

  • direct (bool, default: True) – Switching between direct- or indirect-type circuits.

build(parameters, state, operator, symbols, component, optimisation_level=1)

Build the necessary circuits and measurement data for evaluating derivatives.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – A dictionary containing the parameter values for the circuits.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – Parametrized input state with which to calculate derivative.

  • operator (QubitOperator) – Operator kernel.

  • symbols (set[Symbol]) – Symbols with respect to which the derivatives are computed. If None, derivatives are computed with respect to all symbols.

  • component (Union[str, NumberType]) – Component of derivative to measure: 'real', 'imag' or 'complex'.

  • optimisation_level (int, default: 1) – Passed to the backend’s get_compiled_circuits() method.


HadamardTestDerivative – Self instance.

build_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None)

Builds protocol circuits based on given parameters and computable expression.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and calls build() for leaves of type:


HadamardTestDerivative – Returns the modified instance after building circuits.

classmethod build_protocols_from(parameters, computable, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a list of protocols with circuits based on the given parameters and computable.

This method walks over the computable expression tree and collects leaf nodes of type:

After it has walked over the tree, it creates an instance of this protocol for each distinct state, component pair and calls the build() method. It collects all created protocols into a ProtocolList object to be returned.

  • parameters (dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]) – Values for the parameters in the computable expression.

  • computable (ComputableNode) – A root node of a computable expression tree.

  • exclude (Optional[Callable[[ComputableNode], bool]], default: None) – Optional callable function to exclude certain nodes from processing.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the overlap squared protocol.


ProtocolList – A list, containing all the newly instantiated protocols.


Resets internal state of the protocol.

Return type:


compile_circuits(optimization_level=None, compiler_passes=None, preoptimize_passes=True, **kwargs)

Compiles circuits into a backend-specific form.

This uses the specified backend to compile circuits to a form suitable for running on the relevant machine. By default, compilation passes will be obtained by querying the backend. The choice of default compiler passes can be controlled with the optimization_level argument. If no compiler_passes argument is provided, this will default to 1.

A custom set of compiler optimization passes can be provided through the compiler_passes argument. If this is provided, optimization_level will default to 0 (no optimization). This can be overridden by explicitly specifying the optimization_level argument, whereupon the provided custom compiler passes will be performed after the requested default passes.

By default, this will initially perform certain “preoptimization” passes where such are recommended by problem settings (for instance, by ansatz classes). This is performed prior to the default optimization passes and any passes specified by compiler_passes. This behavior can be disabled by setting preoptimize_passes to False. This argument also can take a custom set of passes which will be used as a preoptimize stage instead.

  • optimization_level (Optional[int], default: None) – The default optimization level passed to the backend for automatic compilation pass choice. This defaults to 1 where no custom compiler passes are provided, otherwise 0.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Custom compiler passes to be performed subsequent to default passes.

  • preoptimize_passes (Union[bool, BasePass], default: True) – Whether to perform preoptimize passes as described above. Set to False to disable, or explicitly specify passes to perform instead.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments passed to backend.


HadamardTestDerivative – Self, with compiled circuits.


Calculate a simple cost metric running the protocol.

The cost is calculated as the sum of the depth of each circuit multiplied by the number of shots.


int – The cost value as an integer.

credits(syntax_checker=None, use_websocket=None)

Evaluate an approximate cost for the measurement circuits built in Quantinuum credits.

Syntax checker will usually be automatically selected, but in some cases needs to be provided. If the measurement circuits are not built yet, the credits will be zero.


This works only with QuantinuumBackend compatible backends.

  • syntax_checker (Optional[str], default: None) – Which syntax checker to use. The default is None.

  • use_websocket (Optional[bool], default: None) – Whether to use a web connection.


float – The total cost in Quantinuum credits to run the circuits.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


optypes (Iterable[OpType], default: ()) – Additional gates, defined by pytket OpType, for which the dataframe will contain depth and count data.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

evaluate_dbra(state, kernel, symbols, component)

Evaluates partial bra derivatives of expectation value of a Hermitian operator.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for the state, kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), symbols and the corresponding component and the protocol has also been run.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – The quantum state for which the derivative of the expectation value of the kernel is to be calculated.

  • kernel (QubitOperator) – The Hermitian operator for which the derivative of the expectation value is being computed.

  • symbols (Optional[set[Symbol]]) – The set of symbols with respect to which the derivative will be evaluated. If None, the derivative will be evaluated with respect to all symbols found in the expressions.

  • component (Union[NumberType, str]) – Component of derivative to measure: 'real', 'imag' or 'complex'.


dict[Symbol, Union[float, complex]] – A dictionary mapping each symbol to its corresponding derivative.

evaluate_dket(state, kernel, symbols, component)

Evaluates partial ket derivatives of expectation value of a Hermitian operator.

If no symbols are provided, it will evaluate the derivative with respect to all symbols found in the state.

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for the state, kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), symbols and the corresponding component and the protocol has also been run.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – The quantum state for which the derivative of the expectation value of the kernel is to be calculated.

  • kernel (QubitOperator) – The Hermitian operator for which the derivative of the expectation value is being computed.

  • symbols (Optional[set[Symbol]]) – The set of symbols with respect to which the derivative will be evaluated. If None, the derivative will be evaluated with respect to all symbols found in the expressions.

  • component (Union[str, NumberType]) – Component of derivative to measure: 'real', 'imag' or 'complex'.


dict[Symbol, Union[float, complex]] – A dictionary mapping each symbol to its corresponding derivative.

evaluate_dket_complex(state, kernel, symbols)

Evaluates complex ket derivatives of expectation value of a Hermitian operator.

This method calls the evaluate_dket function to separately handle the real and imaginary parts of the derivatives, and then combines these parts into a complex derivative.

If no symbols are provided, it will evaluate the derivative with respect to all symbols found in the state.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – The quantum state for which the derivative of the expectation value of the kernel is to be calculated.

  • kernel (QubitOperator) – The Hermitian operator for which the derivative of the expectation value is being computed.

  • symbols (Optional[set[Symbol]]) – The set of symbols with respect to which the derivative will be evaluated. If None, the derivative will be evaluated with respect to all symbols found in the expressions.


dict[Symbol, complex] – A dictionary mapping each symbol to its corresponding complex derivative.

evaluate_gradient(state, kernel, symbols=None)

Evaluates gradient of expectation value of a Hermitian operator.

Since the kernel is Hermitian, the gradient is calculated as 2*Re(<dPsi|H|Psi>).

This method can only be performed if, prior to calling this method, the protocol has been built for the state, kernel (or other operators composed of the same Pauli strings), symbols and NumberType.REAL and the protocol has also been run.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – The quantum state for which the derivative of the expectation value of the kernel is to be calculated.

  • kernel (QubitOperator) – The Hermitian operator for which the derivative of the expectation value is being computed.

  • symbols (Optional[set[Symbol]], default: None) – The set of symbols with respect to which the derivative will be evaluated. If None, the derivative will be evaluated with respect to all symbols found in the expressions.


dict[Symbol, float] – A dictionary mapping each symbol to its corresponding derivative.


Returns a list of built circuits.

Return type:



Generates the circuit shot pairs.


Pair of circuit and the associated number of shots.

Return type:



Returns an evaluator function to evaluate quantum computables.

This method creates and returns a function (evaluator) that takes in a specific quantum computable and evaluates it based on its type.

Quantum computables the returned evaluator can handle:


allow_partial (bool, default: False) – If False, evaluation will fail when an unsupported computable node is encountered. If True, unsupported nodes will be skipped.


This evaluator works for quantum computables the protocol has been built from.


NotImplementedError – If an unsupported computable is encountered, and allow_partial==False.


Callable[[Evaluatable], Union[Evaluatable, Any]] – A function that can evaluate quantum computables. If a computable is supported by this protocol, it is computed; otherwise, it returns the computable itself.

get_runner(qc, compile_symbolic=False, *args, **kwargs)

Returns an end-to-end executor function for a quantum computable.

All nodes in the quantum computable must be evaluable by this protocol. That is, the leaf nodes need to be of one of the supported types:


At every call of the returned function the internal state of the protocol changes.

  • qc (ComputableNode) – The quantum computable node to be measured and evaluated at every call of the returned function.

  • compile_symbolic (bool, default: False) – If True, circuits are immediately built and compiled symbolically. Calling the returned function substitutes symbols, runs circuits, and evaluates the output. If False, circuits are built and compiled only when the returned function is called and parameters are provided. Note that circuits may be deeper when compile_symbolic=True, because circuit compilation cannot perform optimizations based on numerical parameter values. The advantage of this case is that compilation only takes place once.

  • args (Any) –

  • kwargs (Any) –


Callable[[dict[str | Symbol, Union[int, float, complex, Expr]]], float] – A function that takes the parameters, builds and measures the necessary circuits, and returns the evaluated result. If the result is not a float, it returns math.nan.


Returns the number of shots corresponding to each circuit.


n_circuits (int) –

Return type:


property is_built: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been built for this protocol.

property is_compiled: bool

Boolean flag indicating if circuits have been compiled to the target backend.

property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the protocol has run circuits and retrieved results from the backend.

property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

launch(*args, **kwargs)

Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


Union[list[ResultHandle], tuple[list[ResultHandle], list[ResultHandle]]] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_circuit: int

Returns the total number of circuits.

rebuild(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the internal state of the protocol, and rebuilds circuits.

Calls the clear() method, followed by build()

  • *args (Any) – Arguments passed to the build() method.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Key word arguments passed to the build() method.


BaseShotBasedProtocol – self.

retrieve(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.

  • args (Union[list[ResultHandle], tuple[list[ResultHandle], list[ResultHandle]]]) –


HadamardTestDerivative – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

Protocols for Phase-Estimation

class CanonicalPhaseEstimation(backend, n_rounds, n_shots=10, compiler_passes=None, seed=None, optimisation_level=2)

Bases: DeterministicQPECircuitProtocol

Protocol for the generation of canonical Quantum Phase Estimation circuits.

  • backend (Backend) – pytket Backend object.

  • n_rounds (int) – Number of qubits in the readout register.

  • n_shots (int, default: 10) – Number of shots.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Compiler passes to be used.

  • seed (Optional[int], default: None) – Random seed.

  • optimisation_level (int, default: 2) – Level of circuit optimization.


Returns a deep copy of the protocol.

Return type:


class IterativePhaseEstimationSingleCircuit(backend, n_rounds, n_shots=10, compiler_passes=None, seed=None, optimisation_level=2)

Bases: DeterministicQPECircuitProtocol

Protocol for the generation of “one-circuit” iterative Quantum Phase Estimation circuits.

“One-circuit” here refers to the method of circuit generation, wherein the entire iterative phase estimation procedure is returned as a single circuit with extensive classical control. The successive rounds of phase estimation are concatenated into a single circuit, with the “correction” Z rotation generated by 2^N rotation gates, each classically controlled on the outcome of the preceding rounds of phase estimation.

  • backend (Backend) – pytket Backend object.

  • n_rounds (int) – Number of qubits in the readout register.

  • n_shots (int, default: 10) – Number of shots.

  • compiler_passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Compiler passes to be used.

  • seed (Optional[int], default: None) – Random seed.

  • optimisation_level (int, default: 2) – Level of circuit optimization.


Returns a deep copy of the protocol.

Return type:


class MeasurementPluralityPhaseEstimator

Bases: ShotBasedPhaseEstimator

Converts raw experimental results from a shot-based simulation to a phase, by taking the most frequent outcome.

class LinearInterpolatorPhaseEstimator

Bases: ShotBasedPhaseEstimator

Converts raw experimental results from a shot-based simulation to a phase, by generating a probability distribution function over the results.

The probability distribution function will be generated through periodic linear interpolation on the experimental results. Protocol execution will return an expected value of the phase by querying the PDF at every possible measurement outcome, and selecting the outcome with the highest probability.

class IterativePhaseEstimation(backend=None, n_shots=1, compilation_level=CompilationLevel.COMPILED, optimisation_level=1, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseIterativePhaseEstimationCircuit

Perform iterative QPE with a circuit with \(k\) and \(\beta\) to obtain the measurement outcome \(m\).

  • backend (Optional[Union[Backend, BackendConfig]], default: None) – pytket backend.

  • n_shots (int, default: 1) – Number of shots (default: 1).

  • compilation_level (CompilationLevel, default: CompilationLevel.COMPILED) – Compilation level.

  • optimisation_level (int, default: 1) – Optimization level.

property backend: Backend | BackendConfig | None

Backend object to be internally used.

property beta_iqpe: float

Circuit parameter \(\beta\).

build(state, evolution_operator_exponents, eoe_totally_commuting=None, ctrlu_strat=None, passes=None)

Build a function to generate Iterative QPE circuit using the Lie-Trotter product formula.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – Ansatz for the state preparation (non-symbolic).

  • evolution_operator_exponents (QubitOperatorList) – List of Pauli strings to be trotterized.

  • eoe_totally_commuting (Optional[QubitOperatorList], default: None) – Totally commuting set of Pauli strings to be added to the end of CTRL-U.

  • ctrlu_strat (Optional[CtrluStrat], default: None) – CTRL-U compilation strategy.

  • passes (Optional[BasePass], default: None) – Compiler pass to be applied for Ctrl-U circuit.


BaseIterativePhaseEstimation – self

build_from_circuit(state, get_ctrlu)

Build the protocol using the lower-level inputs (circuits).

  • state (Circuit) – State preparation circuit.

  • get_ctrlu (Callable[[int], Circuit]) – Function to return a controlled unitary circuit.

Return type:



Clear the circuit cache.

property compilation_level: CompilationLevel

Compilation level.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

Return type:



Get the distribution based on the measurement outcome.


Mapping[Tuple[int, ...], float] – Distribution.

property get_iqpe_circuit: Callable[[int, float], Circuit]

Interface to the function to generate the IQPE circuit.


function to build an IQPE circuit.


Get the measurement outcome as a bit string.


list[int] – List of int in {0, 1} to be used by iterative QPE algorithms.

Return type:


property is_built: bool
property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool
property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

property k_iqpe: int

Circuit parameter \(k\).


Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Mapping[str, Any]) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


List[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_shots: int

Number of shots.

property optimisation_level: int

Optimization level.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[List[ResultHandle], List[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Mapping[str, Any]) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


BaseIterativePhaseEstimation – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

update_k_and_beta(k, beta)

Update the circuit parameters k and beta.

  • k (int) – The number of repeats of the controlled unitary.

  • beta (float) – Pre-measurement rotation angle of ancilla.

Return type:


class IterativePhaseEstimationQuantinuum(backend, n_shots=1, compilation_level=CompilationLevelQuantinuum.COMPILED, optimisation_level=1)

Bases: BaseIterativePhaseEstimationCircuit

General interface to the iterative QPE circuit with \(k\) and \(\beta\) to obtain the measurement outcome \(m\).

  • backend (Backend) – pytket backend.

  • n_shots (Union[int, Callable[[int], int]], default: 1) – Number of shots (default: 1).

  • compilation_level (CompilationLevelQuantinuum, default: CompilationLevelQuantinuum.COMPILED) – Compilation level.

  • optimisation_level (int, default: 1) – Optimization level.


If n_shots is given as a function, it takes \(k\) to dynamically set the number of shots.

property backend: Backend | BackendConfig | None

Backend object to be internally used.

property beta_iqpe: float

Circuit parameter \(\beta\).

build(state, evolution_operator_exponents, encoding_method, encoding_options=None, eoe_totally_commuting=None, terms_map=None, paulis_map=None, time_split=None, ctrlu_strat=CtrluStrat.PAULI_EXP_BOX)

Build the controlled unitary function.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – Ansatz for the state preparation (non-symbolic).

  • evolution_operator_exponents (QubitOperatorList) – List of Pauli strings to be trotterized.

  • encoding_method (CircuitEncoderQuantinuum) – Encoding method of the logical qubit implementation.

  • encoding_options (Union[PlainOptions, IcebergOptions, None], default: None) – Encoding options of the logical qubit implementation.

  • eoe_totally_commuting (Optional[QubitOperatorList], default: None) – Totally commuting set of Pauli strings.

  • terms_map (Optional[Mapping[QubitPauliString, QubitPauliString]], default: None) – Pauli term mapping used when the Trotterization.

  • paulis_map (Optional[Mapping[QubitPauliString, QubitPauliString]], default: None) – Pauli term mapping for the optimization with the dummy qubit.

  • time_split (Optional[list[float]], default: None) – Delta t splitting for the gate error suppression.

  • ctrlu_strat (CtrluStrat, default: <CtrluStrat.PAULI_EXP_BOX: 0>) – Ctrl-U compilation strategy.

Return type:


build_from_circuit(state, get_ctrlu, encoding_method, encoding_options=None, get_ctrlu_totally_commuting=None)

Build the protocol using the lower-level inputs (circuits).

  • state (Circuit) – State preparation circuit.

  • get_ctrlu (Callable[[int], Circuit]) – Function to return a controlled unitary circuit.

  • encoding_method (CircuitEncoderQuantinuum) – Encoding method of the logical qubit implementation.

  • encoding_options (Union[PlainOptions, IcebergOptions, None], default: None) – Encoding options of the logical qubit implementation.

  • get_ctrlu_totally_commuting (Optional[Callable[[int], Circuit]], default: None) – Function to return a controlled unitary circuit (totally commuting set)

Return type:



get_ctrlu_totally_commuting is the IcebergCode only.

Return type:



Clear the circuit cache.

property compilation_level: CompilationLevel

Compilation level.


Create a pandas DataFrame with circuit, shot, and depth information.


DataFrame – A pandas DataFrame containing the circuit, shot, and depth information.

Return type:



Get the distribution based on the measurement outcome.


Mapping[Tuple[int, ...], float] – Distribution.

property get_iqpe_circuit: Callable[[int, float], Circuit]

Interface to the function to generate the IQPE circuit.


function to build an IQPE circuit.


Get the measurement outcome as a bit string.


list[int] – List of int in {0, 1} to be used by iterative QPE algorithms.

Return type:


property is_built: bool
property is_numeric: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


False if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise True.

property is_run: bool
property is_symbolic: bool

Boolean flag indicating if the measurement circuits contain free symbols.


True if any built measurement circuit contains unsubstituted symbols, otherwise False.

property k_iqpe: int

Circuit parameter \(k\).


Launch the circuits to the backend and return the handles for the results.

This method processes all the circuits and returns a list of ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the results.

  • *args – Additional arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().

  • **kwargs (Mapping[str, Any]) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.process_circuits().


List[ResultHandle] – A list of pytket ResultHandle objects representing the handles for the launched circuits.

property n_shots: int

Number of shots.

property optimisation_level: int

Optimization level.

retrieve(source, **kwargs)

Retrieve distributions from the backend for the given source.

If the source is a list of pytket ResultHandle, the distributions are retrieved using self.backend.get_results() method. If the source is a list of pytket BackendResult, it is assumed that the results are already provided.

  • source (Union[List[ResultHandle], List[BackendResult]]) – A list of pytket ResultHandle or BackendResult objects representing the source of the distributions.

  • **kwargs (Mapping[str, Any]) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to self.backend.get_results() when retrieving results.


IterativePhaseEstimationQuantinuum – Returns self instance.

run(*args, **kwargs)

Run the protocol and wait for the results.

This method executes the following steps: 1. Launches the measurement circuits to obtain the circuit handles. 2. Retrieves the measurement distributions using the circuit handles.

  • *args (Any) – Arguments to be passed to launch().

  • **kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to launch().


LaunchRetrieveMixin – self.

update_k_and_beta(k, beta)

Update the circuit parameters k and beta.

  • k (int) – The number of repeats of the controlled unitary.

  • beta (float) – Pre-measurement rotation angle of ancilla.

Return type:


class IterativePhaseEstimationStatevector(state_backend=None, unitary_backend=None, n_shots=1)

Bases: BaseIterativePhaseEstimation

Iterative phase estimation using the likelihood calculated with statevector simulation.

This class is designed for prototyping iterative QPE algorithms, rather than performing the production runs. The n_shots is recognized as a number of samples taken from the exact likelihood.

The exact likelihood is internally constructed by diagonalizing the unitary and the state population is calculated using the state preparation circuit. The get_distribution() returns exact distribution, rather than that from the measurement outcome.

  • state_backend (Optional[Union[Backend, BackendConfig]], default: None) – pytket backend supporting get_state().

  • unitary_backend (Optional[Union[Backend, BackendConfig]], default: None) – pytket backend supporting get_unitary().

  • n_shots (int, default: 1) – Number of shots (default: 1).


Currently, state_backend=None and unitary_backend=None are required. External backends are not supported as for now, but the built-in functions of pytket.Circuit are used instead.

build(state, evolution_operator_exponents, eoe_totally_commuting=None)

Build the internal objects needed for the exact likelihood.

It calculate the eigenvalues and their populations in the initial state by the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian.

  • state (GeneralAnsatz) – Ansatz for state preparation (non-symbolic).

  • evolution_operator_exponents (QubitOperatorList) – List of Pauli strings to be trotterized.

  • eoe_totally_commuting (Optional[QubitOperatorList], default: None) – Totally commuting set of Pauli strings.


IterativePhaseEstimationStatevector – Self.

build_from_circuit(state, get_ctrlu)

Build the protocol using the lower-level inputs (circuits).

  • state (Circuit) – State preparation circuit.

  • get_ctrlu (Callable[[int], Circuit]) – Function to return a CTRL-U circuit.

Return type:


Return type:


property eigenvalues: ndarray

Eigenvalues to be used for generating the likelihood.


Eigenvalues of the unitary \(U = e^{-iHt}\).


Get the distribution based on the measurement outcome.


Mapping[Tuple[int, ...], float] – Distribution.


Distribution of the measurement outcome to be used by the iterative phase estimation algorithms.


Mapping[Tuple[int, ...], float] – Probability to measure “0” from the ancilla qubit.


It returns the exact distribution, rather than that calculated from the measurement outcome.


Measurement outcome to be used by the iterative phase estimation algorithms.


list[int] – List of 0 or 1 as a measurement outcome of the IQPE circuit.

property is_built: bool