lambeq package¶
- class lambeq.AtomicType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]¶
Standard pregroup atomic types.
- CONJUNCTION = Ty(conj)¶
- NOUN = Ty(n)¶
- NOUN_PHRASE = Ty(n)¶
- PUNCTUATION = Ty(punc)¶
- SENTENCE = Ty(s)¶
- class lambeq.BaseAnsatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim])[source]¶
Base class for ansatz.
- abstract __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim]) None [source]¶
Instantiate an ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from lambeq.backend.grammar.Ty to a type in the target category. In the category of quantum circuits, this type is the number of qubits; in the category of vector spaces, this type is a vector space.
- class lambeq.BinaryCrossEntropyLoss(sparse: bool = False, use_jax: bool = False, epsilon: float = 1e-09)[source]¶
Binary cross-entropy loss function.
- Parameters:
- y_pred: np.ndarray or jnp.ndarray
Predicted labels from model. When sparse is False, expected to be of shape [batch_size, 2], where each row is a probability distribution. When sparse is True, expected to be of shape [batch_size, ] where each element indicates P(1).
- y_true: np.ndarray or jnp.ndarray
Ground truth labels. When sparse is False, expected to be of shape [batch_size, 2], where each row is a one-hot vector. When sparse is True, expected to be of shape [batch_size, ] where each element is an integer indicating class label.
- __init__(sparse: bool = False, use_jax: bool = False, epsilon: float = 1e-09) None [source]¶
Initialise a binary cross-entropy loss function.
- Parameters:
- sparsebool, default: False
- If True, each input element indicates P(1), else the
probability distribution over classes is expected.
- use_jaxbool, default: False
Whether to use the Jax variant of numpy.
- epsilonfloat, default: 1e-9
Smoothing constant used to prevent calculating log(0).
- class lambeq.BobcatParser(model_name_or_path: str = 'bert', root_cats: Iterable[str] | None = None, device: int = -1, cache_dir: StrPathT | None = None, force_download: bool = False, verbose: str = 'progress', **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
CCG parser using Bobcat as the backend.
- __init__(model_name_or_path: str = 'bert', root_cats: Iterable[str] | None = None, device: int = -1, cache_dir: StrPathT | None = None, force_download: bool = False, verbose: str = 'progress', **kwargs: Any) None [source]¶
Instantiate a BobcatParser.
- Parameters:
- model_name_or_pathstr, default: ‘bert’
- Can be either:
The path to a directory containing a Bobcat model.
The name of a pre-trained model. By default, it uses the “bert” model. See also: BobcatParser.available_models()
- root_catsiterable of str, optional
A list of the categories allowed at the root of the parse tree.
- deviceint, default: -1
The GPU device ID on which to run the model, if positive. If negative (the default), run on the CPU.
- cache_dirstr or os.PathLike, optional
The directory to which a downloaded pre-trained model should be cached instead of the standard cache ($XDG_CACHE_HOME or ~/.cache).
- force_downloadbool, default: False
Force the model to be downloaded, even if it is already available locally.
- verbosestr, default: ‘progress’,
for options.- **kwargsdict, optional
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying parsers (see Other Parameters). By default, they are set to the values in the pipeline_config.json file in the model directory.
- Other Parameters:
- Tagger parameters:
- batch_sizeint, optional
The number of sentences per batch.
- tag_top_kint, optional
The maximum number of tags to keep. If 0, keep all tags.
- tag_prob_thresholdfloat, optional
The probability multiplier used for the threshold to keep tags.
- tag_prob_threshold_strategy{‘relative’, ‘absolute’}
If “relative”, the probablity threshold is relative to the highest scoring tag. Otherwise, the probability is an absolute threshold.
- span_top_kint, optional
The maximum number of entries to keep per span. If 0, keep all entries.
- span_prob_thresholdfloat, optional
The probability multiplier used for the threshold to keep entries for a span.
- span_prob_threshold_strategy{‘relative’, ‘absolute’}
If “relative”, the probablity threshold is relative to the highest scoring entry. Otherwise, the probability is an absolute threshold.
- Chart parser parameters:
- eisner_normal_formbool, default: True
Whether to use eisner normal form.
- max_parse_treesint, optional
A safety limit to the number of parse trees that can be generated per parse before automatically failing.
- beam_sizeint, optional
The beam size to use in the chart cells.
- input_tag_score_weightfloat, optional
A scaling multiplier to the log-probabilities of the input tags. This means that a weight of 0 causes all of the input tags to have the same score.
- missing_cat_scorefloat, optional
The default score for a category that is generated but not part of the grammar.
- missing_span_scorefloat, optional
The default score for a category that is part of the grammar but has no score, due to being below the threshold kept by the tagger.
- sentences2trees(sentences: List[str] | List[List[str]], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) list[CCGTree] | None [source]¶
Parse multiple sentences into a list of
s.- Parameters:
- sentenceslist of str, or list of list of str
The sentences to be parsed, passed either as strings or as lists of tokens.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
.- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether each sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Returns:
- list of CCGTree or None
The parsed trees. (May contain
if exceptions are suppressed)
- exception lambeq.CCGBankParseError(sentence: str = '', message: str = '')[source]¶
Error raised if parsing fails in CCGBank.
- class lambeq.CCGBankParser(root: StrPathT, verbose: str = 'suppress')[source]¶
A parser for CCGBank trees.
- __init__(root: StrPathT, verbose: str = 'suppress') None [source]¶
Initialise a CCGBank parser.
- Parameters:
- rootstr or os.PathLike
Path to the root of the corpus. The sections must be located in <root>/data/AUTO.
- verbosestr, default: ‘suppress’,
for options.
- section2diagrams(section_id: int, planar: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) dict[str, Diagram | None] [source]¶
Parse a CCGBank section into diagrams.
- Parameters:
- section_idint
The section to parse.
- planarbool, default: False
Force diagrams to be planar when they contain crossed composition.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Stop exceptions from being raised, instead returning
for a diagram.- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.- Returns
- ——-
- diagramsdict
A dictionary of diagrams labelled by their ID in CCGBank. If a diagram fails to draw and exceptions are suppressed, that entry is replaced by
- Raises:
- CCGBankParseError
If parsing fails and exceptions are not suppressed.
- section2diagrams_gen(section_id: int, planar: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) Iterator[tuple[str, Diagram | None]] [source]¶
Parse a CCGBank section into diagrams, given as a generator.
The generator only reads data when it is accessed, providing the user with control over the reading process.
- Parameters:
- section_idint
The section to parse.
- planarbool, default: False
Force diagrams to be planar when they contain crossed composition.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Stop exceptions from being raised, instead returning
for a diagram.- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Yields:
- ID, diagramtuple of str and Diagram
ID in CCGBank and the corresponding diagram. If a diagram fails to draw and exceptions are suppressed, that entry is replaced by
- Raises:
- CCGBankParseError
If parsing fails and exceptions are not suppressed.
- section2trees(section_id: int, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) dict[str, CCGTree | None] [source]¶
Parse a CCGBank section into trees.
- Parameters:
- section_idint
The section to parse.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Stop exceptions from being raised, instead returning
for a tree.- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Returns:
- treesdict
A dictionary of trees labelled by their ID in CCGBank. If a tree fails to parse and exceptions are suppressed, that entry is
- Raises:
- CCGBankParseError
If parsing fails and exceptions are not suppressed.
- section2trees_gen(section_id: int, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) Iterator[tuple[str, CCGTree | None]] [source]¶
Parse a CCGBank section into trees, given as a generator.
The generator only reads data when it is accessed, providing the user with control over the reading process.
- Parameters:
- section_idint
The section to parse.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Stop exceptions from being raised, instead returning
for a tree.- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Yields:
- ID, treetuple of str and CCGTree
ID in CCGBank and the corresponding tree. If a tree fails to parse and exceptions are suppressed, that entry is
- Raises:
- CCGBankParseError
If parsing fails and exceptions are not suppressed.
- sentences2trees(sentences: List[str] | List[List[str]], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) list[CCGTree | None] [source]¶
Parse a CCGBank sentence derivation into a CCGTree.
The sentence must be in the format outlined in the CCGBank manual section D.2 and not just a list of words.
- Parameters:
- sentenceslist of str
List of sentences to parse.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Stop exceptions from being raised, instead returning
for a tree.- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether the sentence has been passed as a list of tokens. For CCGBankParser, it should be kept False.
- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Returns:
- treeslist of CCGTree
A list of trees. If a tree fails to parse and exceptions are suppressed, that entry is
- Raises:
- CCGBankParseError
If parsing fails and exceptions are not suppressed.
- ValueError
If tokenised flag is True (not valid for CCGBankParser).
- class lambeq.CCGParser(root_cats: Iterable[str] | None = None, verbose: str = 'suppress')[source]¶
Base class for CCG parsers.
- abstract __init__(root_cats: Iterable[str] | None = None, verbose: str = 'suppress') None [source]¶
Initialise the CCG parser.
- sentence2diagram(sentence: str | List[str], tokenised: bool = False, planar: bool = False, collapse_noun_phrases: bool = True, suppress_exceptions: bool = False) Diagram | None [source]¶
Parse a sentence into a lambeq diagram.
- Parameters:
- sentencestr or list of str
The sentence to be parsed.
- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether the sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- planarbool, default: False
Force diagrams to be planar when they contain crossed composition.
- collapse_noun_phrasesbool, default: True
If set, then before converting the tree to a diagram, all noun phrase types in the tree are changed into nouns. This includes sub-types, e.g. S/NP becomes S/N.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if the sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, returnsNone
- Returns:
or NoneThe parsed diagram, or
on failure.
- sentence2tree(sentence: str | List[str], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False) CCGTree | None [source]¶
Parse a sentence into a
.- Parameters:
- sentencestr, list[str]
The sentence to be parsed, passed either as a string, or as a list of tokens.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if the sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, returnsNone
.- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether the sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- Returns:
- CCGTree or None
The parsed tree, or
on failure.
- sentences2diagrams(sentences: List[str] | List[List[str]], tokenised: bool = False, planar: bool = False, collapse_noun_phrases: bool = True, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) list[Diagram | None] [source]¶
Parse multiple sentences into a list of lambeq diagrams.
- Parameters:
- sentenceslist of str, or list of list of str
The sentences to be parsed.
- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether each sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- planarbool, default: False
Force diagrams to be planar when they contain crossed composition.
- collapse_noun_phrasesbool, default: True
If set, then before converting each tree to a diagram, any noun phrase types in the tree are changed into nouns. This includes sub-types, e.g. S/NP becomes S/N.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
.- verbosestr, optional
for options. Not all parsers implement all three levels of progress reporting, see the respective documentation for each parser. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Returns:
- list of
or None The parsed diagrams. May contain
if exceptions are suppressed.
- list of
- abstract sentences2trees(sentences: List[str] | List[List[str]], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) list[CCGTree | None] [source]¶
Parse multiple sentences into a list of
s.- Parameters:
- sentenceslist of str, or list of list of str
The sentences to be parsed, passed either as strings or as lists of tokens.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
.- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether each sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- verbosestr, optional
for options. Not all parsers implement all three levels of progress reporting, see the respective documentation for each parser. If set, takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Returns:
- list of CCGTree or None
The parsed trees. May contain
if exceptions are suppressed.
- class lambeq.CCGRule(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]¶
An enumeration of the available CCG rules.
- LEXICAL = 'L'¶
- UNARY = 'U'¶
- __call__(dom: Sequence[CCGType], cod: CCGType | None = None) Diagram [source]¶
Call self as a function.
- apply(dom: Sequence[CCGType], cod: CCGType | None = None) Diagram [source]¶
Produce a lambeq diagram for this rule.
This is primarily used by CCG trees that have been resolved. This means, for example, that diagrams cannot be produced for the conjunction rule, since they are rewritten when resolved.
- Parameters:
- domlist of CCGType
The domain of the diagram.
- codCCGType, optional
The codomain of the diagram. This is only used for type-raising rules.
- Returns:
The resulting diagram.
- Raises:
- CCGRuleUseError
If a diagram cannot be produced.
- check_match(left: CCGType, right: CCGType) None [source]¶
Raise an exception if the two arguments do not match.
- classmethod infer_rule(dom: Sequence[CCGType], cod: CCGType) CCGRule [source]¶
Infer the CCG rule that admits the given domain and codomain.
if no other rule matches.- Parameters:
- domlist of CCGType
The domain of the rule.
- codCCGType
The codomain of the rule.
- Returns:
- CCGRule
A CCG rule that admits the required domain and codomain.
- resolve(dom: Sequence[CCGType], cod: CCGType) tuple[CCGType, ...] [source]¶
Perform type resolution on this rule use.
This is used to propagate any type changes that has occured in the codomain to the domain, such that applying this rule to the rewritten domain produces the provided codomain, while remaining as compatible as possible with the provided domain.
- Parameters:
- domlist of CCGType
The original domain of this rule use.
- codCCGType
The required codomain of this rule use.
- Returns:
- tuple of CCGType
The rewritten domain.
- property symbol: str¶
The standard CCG symbol for the rule.
- exception lambeq.CCGRuleUseError(rule: CCGRule, message: str)[source]¶
Error raised when a
is applied incorrectly.
- class lambeq.CCGTree(text: str | None = None, *, rule: CCGRule | str = CCGRule.UNKNOWN, biclosed_type: CCGType, children: Iterable[CCGTree] | None = None, metadata: dict[Any, Any] | None = None)[source]¶
Derivation tree for a CCG.
This provides a standard derivation interface between the parser and the rest of the model.
- __init__(text: str | None = None, *, rule: CCGRule | str = CCGRule.UNKNOWN, biclosed_type: CCGType, children: Iterable[CCGTree] | None = None, metadata: dict[Any, Any] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a CCG tree.
- Parameters:
- textstr, optional
The word or phrase associated to the whole tree. If
, it is inferred from its children.- ruleCCGRule, default: CCGRule.UNKNOWN
The final
used in the derivation.- biclosed_typeCCGType
The type associated to the derived phrase.
- childrenlist of CCGTree, optional
A list of JSON subtrees. The types of these subtrees can be combined with the
to produce the outputtype
. A leaf node has an empty list of children.- metadatadict, optional
A dictionary of miscellaneous data.
- collapse_noun_phrases() CCGTree [source]¶
Change noun phrase types into noun types.
This includes sub-types, e.g. S/NP becomes S/N.
- deriv(word_spacing: int = 2, use_slashes: bool = True, use_ascii: bool = False, vertical: bool = False) str [source]¶
Produce a string representation of the tree.
- Parameters:
- word_spacingint, default: 2
The minimum number of spaces between the words of the diagram. Only used for horizontal diagrams.
- use_slashes: bool, default: True
Whether to use slashes in the CCG types instead of arrows. Automatically set to True when use_ascii is True.
- use_ascii: bool, default: False
Whether to draw using ASCII characters only.
- vertical: bool, default: False
Whether to create a vertical tree representation, instead of the standard horizontal one.
- Returns:
- str
A string that contains the graphical representation of the CCG tree.
- classmethod from_json(data: None) None [source]¶
- classmethod from_json(data: Dict[str, Any] | str) CCGTree
Create a
from a JSON representation.A JSON representation of a derivation contains the following fields:
- text
The word or phrase associated to the whole tree. If
, it is inferred from its children.- rule
The final
used in the derivation.- type
The type associated to the derived phrase.
- children
A list of JSON subtrees. The types of these subtrees can be combined with the
to produce the outputtype
. A leaf node has an empty list of children.
- text
- property text: str¶
The word or phrase associated to the tree.
- to_diagram(planar: bool = False, collapse_noun_phrases: bool = True) Diagram [source]¶
Convert tree to a DisCoCat diagram.
- Parameters:
- planarbool, default: False
Force the diagram to be planar. This only affects trees using cross composition.
- without_trivial_unary_rules() CCGTree [source]¶
Create a new CCGTree from the current tree, with all trivial unary rules (i.e. rules that map X to X) removed.
This might happen because there is no exact correspondence between CCG types and pregroup types, e.g. both CCG types NP and N are mapped to the same pregroup type n.
- Returns:
A new tree free of trivial unary rules.
- class lambeq.CCGType(name: str | None = None, result: CCGType | None = None, direction: str | None = None, argument: CCGType | None = None)[source]¶
A type in the Combinatory Categorical Grammar (CCG).
- Attributes:
strThe name of an atomic CCG type.
CCGTypeThe result of a complex CCG type.
‘/’ or ‘'The direction of a complex CCG type.
CCGTypeThe argument of a complex CCG type.
- is_emptybool
Whether the CCG type is the empty type.
- is_atomicbool
Whether the CCG type is an atomic type.
- is_complexbool
Whether the CCG type is a complex type.
- is_overbool
Whether the argument of a complex CCG type appears on the right, i.e. X/Y.
- is_underbool
Whether the argument of a complex CCG type appears on the left, i.e. XY.
- CONJ_TAG: ClassVar[str] = '[conj]'¶
- __init__(name: str | None = None, result: CCGType | None = None, direction: str | None = None, argument: CCGType | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a CCG type.
- Parameters:
- namestr, optional
(Atomic types only) The name of an atomic CCG type.
- resultCCGType, optional
(Complex types only) The result of a complex CCG type.
- direction{ ‘/’, ‘' }, optional
(Complex types only) The direction of a complex CCG type.
- argumentCCGType, optional
(Complex types only) The argument of a complex CCG type.
- property argument: CCGType¶
The argument of a complex CCG type.
Raises an error if called on a non-complex CCG type.
- property direction: str¶
The direction of a complex CCG type.
Raises an error if called on a non-complex CCG type.
- is_atomic: bool¶
- is_complex: bool¶
- property is_conjoinable: bool¶
Whether the CCG type can be used to conjoin words.
- is_empty: bool¶
- is_over: bool¶
- is_under: bool¶
- property left: CCGType¶
The left-hand side (diagrammatically) of a complex CCG type.
Raises an error if called on a non-complex CCG type.
- property name: str¶
The name of an atomic CCG type.
Raises an error if called on a non-atomic CCG type.
- classmethod parse(cat: str, map_atomic: Callable[[str], str] | None = None) CCGType [source]¶
Parse a CCG category string into a CCGType.
The string should follow the following grammar:
atomic_cat = { <any character except "(", ")", "/", "\"> } op = "/" | "\" bracket_cat = atomic_cat | "(" bracket_cat [ op bracket_cat ] ")" cat = bracketed_cat [ op bracket_cat ] [ "[conj]" ]
- Parameters:
- map_atomic: callable, optional
If provided, this function is called on the atomic type names in the original string, and should return their name in the output CCGType. This can be used to fix any inconsistencies in capitalisation or unify types, such as noun and noun phrase types.
- Returns:
- CCGType
The parsed category as a CCGType.
- Raises:
- CCGParseError
If parsing fails.
Conjunctions follow the CCGBank convention of:
x and y C conj C \ \ / \ C[conj] \ / C
is equivalent toC\C
- replace(original: CCGType, replacement: CCGType) CCGType [source]¶
Replace all occurrences of a sub-type with a different type.
- replace_result(original: CCGType, replacement: CCGType, direction: str = '|') tuple[CCGType, CCGType | None] [source]¶
Replace the innermost category result with a new category.
This performs a lenient replacement operation. This means that it will attempt to replace the specified result category original with replacement, but if original cannot be found, the innermost result category will be replaced (still by replacement). This makes it suitable for cases where type resolution has occurred, so that type rewrites can propagate. This method returns the new category, alongside which category has been replaced. direction can be used to specify a particular structure that must be satisfied by the replacement operation. If this is not satisfied, then no replacement takes place, and the returned replaced result category is None.
- Parameters:
- originalCCGType
The category that should be replaced.
- replacementCCGType
The replacement for the new category.
- directionstr
Used to check the operations in the category. Consists of either 1 or 2 characters, each being one of ‘/’, ‘', ‘|’. If 2 characters, the first checks the innermost operation, and the second checks the rest. If only 1 character, it is used for all checks.
- Returns:
- CCGType
The new category. If replacement fails, this is set to the original category.
- CCGType or None
The replaced result category. If replacement fails, this is set to None.
This function is mainly used for substituting inner types in generalised versions of CCG rules. (See
>>> a, b, c, x, y = map(CCGType, 'abcxy')
Example 1:
b >> c
ina >> (b >> c)
is matched and replaced withx
.>>> new, replaced = (a >> (b >> c)).replace_result(b >> c, x) >>> print(new, replaced) x\a c\b
Example 2:
cannot be matched, so the innermost categoryc
is replaced instead.>>> new, replaced = (a >> (b >> c)).replace_result(x, x << y) >>> print(new, replaced) ((x/y)\b)\a c
Example 3: if not all operators are
, then nothing is replaced.>>> new, replaced = (a >> (c << b)).replace_result(x, y, '/') >>> print(new, replaced) (c/b)\a None
Example 4: the innermost use of
is onc
, so the targetc
is replaced withy
.>>> new, replaced = (a >> (c << b)).replace_result(x, y, '/|') >>> print(new, replaced) (y/b)\a c
Example 5: the innermost use of
is ona
and(c << b)
, so its target(c << b)
is replaced byy
.>>> new, replaced = (a >> (c << b)).replace_result(x, y, r'\|') >>> print(new, replaced) y\a c/b
- property result: CCGType¶
The result of a complex CCG type.
Raises an error if called on a non-complex CCG type.
- property right: CCGType¶
The right-hand side (diagrammatically) of a complex CCG type.
Raises an error if called on a non-complex CCG type.
- split(base: CCGType) tuple[grammar.Ty, grammar.Ty, grammar.Ty] [source]¶
Isolate the inner type of a CCG type, in lambeq.
For example, if the input is T = (XY)/Z, the lambeq type would be Y.r @ X @ Z.l so:
>>> T = CCGType.parse(r'(X\Y)/Z') >>> left, mid, right = T.split(CCGType('X')) >>> print(left, mid, right, sep=' + ') Y.r + X + Z.l
>>> left, mid, right = T.split(CCGType.parse(r'X\Y')) >>> print(left, mid, right, sep=' + ') Ty() + Y.r @ X + Z.l
- to_grammar(Ty: type | None = None) grammar.Ty | Any [source]¶
Turn the CCG type into a lambeq grammar type.
- class lambeq.Checkpoint[source]¶
Checkpoint class.
- Attributes:
- entriesdict
All data, stored as part of the checkpoint.
- __init__() None [source]¶
Initialise a
- add_many(values: Mapping[str, Any]) None [source]¶
Adds several values into the checkpoint.
- Parameters:
- valuesMapping from str to any
The values to be added into the checkpoint.
- classmethod from_file(path: str | PathLike[str]) Checkpoint [source]¶
Load the checkpoint contents from the file.
- Parameters:
- pathstr or PathLike
Path to the checkpoint file.
- Raises:
- FileNotFoundError
If no file is found at the given path.
- class lambeq.CircuitAnsatz(ob_map:[~lambeq.backend.grammar.Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int, circuit:[[int, ~numpy.ndarray], ~lambeq.backend.quantum.Diagram], discard: bool = False, single_qubit_rotations: list[~typing.Type[~lambeq.backend.quantum.Rotation]] | None = None, postselection_basis: ~lambeq.backend.quantum.Diagram = Diagram(dom=Ty(qubit), cod=Ty(qubit), layers=[], __hash__=<function Diagram.__hash__>))[source]¶
Base class for circuit ansatz.
- __init__(ob_map:[~lambeq.backend.grammar.Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int, circuit:[[int, ~numpy.ndarray], ~lambeq.backend.quantum.Diagram], discard: bool = False, single_qubit_rotations: list[~typing.Type[~lambeq.backend.quantum.Rotation]] | None = None, postselection_basis: ~lambeq.backend.quantum.Diagram = Diagram(dom=Ty(qubit), cod=Ty(qubit), layers=[], __hash__=<function Diagram.__hash__>)) None [source]¶
Instantiate a circuit ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the number of qubits it uses in a circuit.- n_layersint
The number of layers used by the ansatz.
- n_single_qubit_paramsint
The number of single qubit rotations used by the ansatz. It only affects wires that ob_map maps to a single qubit.
- circuitcallable
Circuit generator used by the ansatz. This is a function (or a class constructor) that takes a number of qubits and a numpy array of parameters, and returns the ansatz of that size, with parameterised boxes.
- discardbool, default: False
Discard open wires instead of post-selecting.
- postselection_basis: Circuit, default: Id(qubit)
Basis to post-select in, by default the computational basis.
- single_qubit_rotations: list of Circuit, optional
The rotations to be used for a single qubit. When only a single qubit is present, the ansatz defaults to applying a series of rotations in a cycle, determined by this parameter and n_single_qubit_params.
- class lambeq.CoordinationRewriteRule(words: Container[str] | None = None)[source]¶
A rewrite rule for coordination.
This rule matches the word ‘and’ with codomain
a.r @ a @ a.l
for pregroup typea
, and replaces the word, based on [Kar2016], with a layer of interleaving spiders.- __init__(words: Container[str] | None = None) None [source]¶
Instantiate a CoordinationRewriteRule.
- Parameters:
- wordscontainer of str, optional
A list of words to be rewritten by this rule. If a box does not have one of these words, it will not be rewritten, even if the codomain matches. If omitted, the rewrite applies only to the word “and”.
- rewrite(box: Box) Diagrammable [source]¶
Rewrite the given box.
- class lambeq.CrossEntropyLoss(use_jax: bool = False, epsilon: float = 1e-09)[source]¶
Multiclass cross-entropy loss function.
- Parameters:
- y_pred: np.ndarray or jnp.ndarray
Predicted labels from model. Expected to be of shape [batch_size, n_classes], where each row is a probability distribution.
- y_true: np.ndarray or jnp.ndarray
Ground truth labels. Expected to be of shape [batch_size, n_classes], where each row is a one-hot vector.
- class lambeq.CurryRewriteRule[source]¶
A rewrite rule using map-state duality.
- __init__() None [source]¶
Instantiate a CurryRewriteRule.
This rule uses the map-state duality by iteratively uncurrying on both sides of each box. When used in conjunction with
, this removes cups from the diagram in exchange for depth. Diagrams with fewer cups become circuits with fewer post-selection, which results in faster QML experiments.
- rewrite(box: Box) Diagrammable [source]¶
Rewrite the given box.
- class lambeq.Dataset(data: list[Any], targets: list[Any], batch_size: int = 0, shuffle: bool = True)[source]¶
Dataset class for the training of a lambeq model.
Data is returned in the format of lambeq’s numerical backend, which by default is set to NumPy. For example, to access the dataset as PyTorch tensors:
>>> from lambeq.backend import numerical_backend >>> dataset = Dataset(['data1'], [[0, 1, 2, 3]]) >>> with numerical_backend.backend('pytorch'): ... print(dataset[0]) # becomes pytorch tensor ('data1', tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])) >>> print(dataset[0]) # numpy array again ('data1', array([0, 1, 2, 3]))
- __init__(data: list[Any], targets: list[Any], batch_size: int = 0, shuffle: bool = True) None [source]¶
Initialise a Dataset for lambeq training.
- Parameters:
- datalist
Data used for training.
- targetslist
List of labels.
- batch_sizeint, default: 0
Batch size for batch generation, by default full dataset.
- shufflebool, default: True
Enable data shuffling during training.
- Raises:
- ValueError
When ‘data’ and ‘targets’ do not match in size.
- class lambeq.DepCCGParser(*, lang: str = 'en', model: str | None = None, use_model_unary_rules: bool = False, annotator: str = 'janome', tokenize: bool | None = None, device: int = -1, root_cats: Iterable[str] | None = None, verbose: str = 'progress', **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
CCG parser using depccg as the backend.
- __init__(*, lang: str = 'en', model: str | None = None, use_model_unary_rules: bool = False, annotator: str = 'janome', tokenize: bool | None = None, device: int = -1, root_cats: Iterable[str] | None = None, verbose: str = 'progress', **kwargs: Any) None [source]¶
Instantiate a parser based on depccg.
- Parameters:
- lang{ ‘en’, ‘ja’ }
The language to use: ‘en’ for English, ‘ja’ for Japanese.
- modelstr, optional
The name of the model variant to use, if any. depccg only has English model variants, namely ‘elmo’, ‘rebank’ and ‘elmo_rebank’.
- use_model_unary_rulesbool, default: False
Use the unary rules supplied by the model instead of the ones by lambeq.
- annotatorstr, default: ‘janome’
The annotator to use, if any. depccg supports ‘candc’ and ‘spacy’ for English, and ‘janome’ and ‘jigg’ for Japanese. By default, no annotator is used for English, and ‘janome’ is used for Japanese.
- tokenizebool, optional
Whether to tokenise the input when annotating. This option should only be specified when using the ‘spacy’ annotator.
- deviceint, optional
The ID of the GPU to use. By default, uses the CPU.
- root_catsiterable of str, optional
A list of categories allowed at the root of the parse. By default, the English categories are:
- and the Japanese categories are:
- verbosestr, default: ‘progress’,
Controls the command-line output of the parser. Only ‘progress’ option is available for this parser.
- **kwargsdict, optional
Optional arguments passed to depccg.
- sentence2diagram(sentence: SentenceType, tokenised: bool = False, planar: bool = False, collapse_noun_phrases: bool = True, suppress_exceptions: bool = False) Diagram | None [source]¶
Parse a sentence into a lambeq diagram.
- Parameters:
- sentencestr, list[str]
The sentence to be parsed, passed either as a string, or as a list of tokens.
- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether the sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- collapse_noun_phrasesbool, default: True
If set, then before converting each tree to a diagram, all noun phrase types in the tree are changed into nouns. This includes sub-types, e.g. S/NP becomes S/N.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if the sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, returnsNone
- Returns:
or NoneThe parsed diagram, or
on failure.
- Raises:
- ValueErrorIf tokenised does not match with the input type.
- sentence2tree(sentence: str | List[str], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False) CCGTree | None [source]¶
Parse a sentence into a
.- Parameters:
- sentencestr, list[str]
The sentence to be parsed, passed either as a string, or as a list of tokens.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if the sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, returnsNone
.- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether the sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- Returns:
- CCGTree or None
The parsed tree, or
on failure.
- Raises:
- ValueErrorIf tokenised does not match with the input type.
- sentences2trees(sentences: List[str] | List[List[str]], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) list[CCGTree | None] [source]¶
Parse multiple sentences into a list of
s.- Parameters:
- sentenceslist of str, or list of list of str
The sentences to be parsed, passed either as strings or as lists of tokens.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
.- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether each sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- verbosestr, optional
Controls the form of progress tracking. If set, takes priority over the
attribute of the parser. This class only supports ‘progress’ verbosity level - a progress bar.
- Returns:
- list of CCGTree or None
The parsed trees. May contain
if exceptions are suppressed.
- Raises:
- ValueErrorIf tokenised does not match with the input type
- or if verbosity is set to an unsupported value
- class lambeq.DiagramRewriter[source]¶
Base class for diagram level rewriters.
- __call__(target: list[Diagram]) list[Diagram] [source]¶
- __call__(target: Diagram) Diagram
Rewrite the given diagram(s) if the rule applies.
- Parameters:
- diagram
or list of Diagram
The candidate diagram(s) to be rewritten.
- diagram
- Returns:
or list of DiagramThe rewritten diagram. If the rule does not apply, the original diagram is returned.
- class lambeq.IQPAnsatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False)[source]¶
Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial ansatz.
An IQP ansatz interleaves layers of Hadamard gates with diagonal unitaries. This class uses
adjacent CRz gates to implement each diagonal unitary.Code adapted from DisCoPy.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False) None [source]¶
Instantiate an IQP ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the number of qubits it uses in a circuit.- n_layersint
The number of layers used by the ansatz.
- n_single_qubit_paramsint, default: 3
The number of single qubit rotations used by the ansatz. It only affects wires that ob_map maps to a single qubit.
- discardbool, default: False
Discard open wires instead of post-selecting.
- class lambeq.LinearReader(combining_diagram: Diagram, word_type: Ty = Ty(s), start_box: Diagram = Id(Ty()))[source]¶
A reader that combines words linearly using a stair diagram.
- __init__(combining_diagram: Diagram, word_type: Ty = Ty(s), start_box: Diagram = Id(Ty())) None [source]¶
Initialise a linear reader.
- Parameters:
- combining_diagramDiagram
The diagram that is used to combine two word boxes. It is continuously applied on the left-most wires until a single output wire remains.
- word_typeTy, default: core.types.AtomicType.SENTENCE
The type of each word box. By default, it uses the sentence type from
.- start_boxDiagram, default: Id()
The start box used as a sentinel value for combining. By default, the empty diagram is used.
- sentence2diagram(sentence: str | List[str], tokenised: bool = False) Diagram [source]¶
Parse a sentence into a lambeq diagram.
If tokenise is
, sentence is tokenised, otherwise it is split into tokens by whitespace. This method creates a box for each token, and combines them linearly.- Parameters:
- sentencestr or list of str
The input sentence, passed either as a string or as a list of tokens.
- tokenisedbool, default: False
Set to
, if the sentence is passed as a list of tokens instead of a single string. If set toFalse
, words are split by whitespace.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If sentence does not match tokenised flag, or if an invalid mode or parser is passed to the initialiser.
- class lambeq.LossFunction(use_jax: bool = False)[source]¶
Loss function base class.
- Attributes:
- backendModuleType
- The module to use for array numerical functions.
Either numpy or jax.numpy.
- __call__(y_pred: np.ndarray | jnp.ndarray, y_true: np.ndarray | jnp.ndarray) float [source]¶
Call self as a function.
- class lambeq.MPSAnsatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim], bond_dim: int, max_order: int = 3)[source]¶
Split large boxes into matrix product states.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim], bond_dim: int, max_order: int = 3) None [source]¶
Instantiate a matrix product state ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the dimension space it uses in a tensor network.- bond_dim: int
The size of the bonding dimension.
- max_order: int
The maximum order of each tensor in the matrix product state, which must be at least 3.
- class lambeq.MSELoss(use_jax: bool = False)[source]¶
Mean squared error loss function.
- Parameters:
- y_pred: np.ndarray or jnp.ndarray
Predicted values from model. Shape must match y_true.
- y_true: np.ndarray or jnp.ndarray
Ground truth values.
- class lambeq.Model[source]¶
Model base class.
- Attributes:
- symbolslist of symbols
A sorted list of all
occuring in the data.- weightsCollection
A data structure containing the numeric values of the model’s parameters.
- classmethod from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path: StrPathT, **kwargs: Any) Model [source]¶
Load the weights and symbols from a training checkpoint.
- Parameters:
- checkpoint_pathstr or PathLike
Path that points to the checkpoint file.
- Other Parameters:
- backend_configdict
Dictionary containing the backend configuration for the
. Must include the fields ‘backend’, ‘compilation’ and ‘shots’.
- classmethod from_diagrams(diagrams: list[Diagram], **kwargs: Any) Model [source]¶
Build model from a list of
.- Parameters:
- diagramslist of
The tensor or circuit diagrams to be evaluated.
- diagramslist of
- Other Parameters:
- backend_configdict
Dictionary containing the backend configuration for the
. Must include the fields ‘backend’, ‘compilation’ and ‘shots’.- use_jitbool, default: False
Whether to use JAX’s Just-In-Time compilation in
- abstract get_diagram_output(diagrams: list[Diagram]) Any [source]¶
Return the diagram prediction.
- Parameters:
- diagramslist of
The tensor or circuit diagrams to be evaluated.
- diagramslist of
- load(checkpoint_path: StrPathT) None [source]¶
Load model data from a path pointing to a lambeq checkpoint.
Checkpoints that are created by a lambeq
usually have the extension .lt.- Parameters:
- checkpoint_pathstr or PathLike
Path that points to the checkpoint file.
- save(checkpoint_path: StrPathT) None [source]¶
Create a lambeq
and save to a path.Example: >>> from lambeq import PytorchModel >>> model = PytorchModel() >>>‘’)
- Parameters:
- checkpoint_pathstr or PathLike
Path that points to the checkpoint file.
- class lambeq.NelderMeadOptimizer(*, model: QuantumModel, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[str, float] | None = None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None)[source]¶
An optimizer based on the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
This implementation is based heavily on SciPy’s optimize.minimize.
- __init__(*, model: QuantumModel, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[str, float] | None = None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise the Nelder-Mead optimizer.
The hyperparameters may contain the following key-value pairs:
- adaptive: bool, default: False
Adjust the algorithm’s parameters based on the dimensionality of the problem. This is particularly helpful when minimizing functions in high-dimensional spaces.
- maxfev: int, default: 1000
Maximum number of function evaluations allowed.
- initial_simplex: ArrayLike (N+1, N), default: None
If provided, replaces the initial model weights. Each row should contain the coordinates of the i`th vertex of the `N+1 vertices in the simplex, where N is the dimension.
- xatol: float, default: 1e-4
The acceptable level of absolute error in the optimal model weights (optimal solution) between iterations that indicates convergence.
- fatol: float, default: 1e-4
The acceptable level of absolute error in the loss value between iterations that indicates convergence.
- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq quantum model.
- hyperparamsdict of str to float
A dictionary containing the models hyperparameters.
- loss_fnCallable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], float]]
A loss function of form loss(prediction, labels).
- boundsArrayLike, optional
The range of each of the model parameters.
- model
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the hyperparameters are not set correctly, or if the length of bounds does not match the number of the model parameters.
If the lower bounds are greater than the upper bounds.
If the initial simplex is not a 2D array.
If the initial simplex does not have N+1 rows, where N is the number of model parameters.
- Warning
If the initial model weights are not within the bounds.
Gao, Fuchang & Han, Lixing. (2012). Implementing the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm with Adaptive Parameters. Computational Optimization and Applications, 51. 259-277. 10.1007/s10589-010-9329-3.
- backward(batch: tuple[Iterable[Any], ndarray]) float [source]¶
Calculate the gradients of the loss function.
The gradients are calculated with respect to the model parameters.
- Parameters:
- batchtuple of Iterable and numpy.ndarray
Current batch. Contains an Iterable of diagrams in index 0, and the targets in index 1.
- Returns:
- float
The calculated loss.
- bounds: ndarray | None¶
- load_state_dict(state_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) None [source]¶
Load state of the optimizer from the state dictionary.
- Parameters:
- state_dictdict
A dictionary containing a snapshot of the optimizer state.
- model: QuantumModel¶
- objective(x: Iterable[Any], y: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], w: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]) float [source]¶
The objective function to be minimized.
- Parameters:
- xArrayLike
The input data.
- yArrayLike
The labels.
- wArrayLike
The model parameters.
- Returns:
- result: float
The result of the objective function.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the objective function does not return a scalar value.
- class lambeq.NumpyModel(use_jit: bool = False)[source]¶
A lambeq model for an exact classical simulation of a quantum pipeline.
- __init__(use_jit: bool = False) None [source]¶
Initialise an NumpyModel.
- Parameters:
- use_jitbool, default: False
Whether to use JAX’s Just-In-Time compilation.
- forward(x: list[Diagram]) Any [source]¶
Perform default forward pass of a lambeq model.
In case of a different datapoint (e.g. list of tuple) or additional computational steps, please override this method.
- Parameters:
- xlist of
to be evaluated.
- xlist of
- Returns:
- numpy.ndarray
Array containing model’s prediction.
- get_diagram_output(diagrams: list[Diagram]) jnp.ndarray | numpy.ndarray [source]¶
Return the exact prediction for each diagram.
- Parameters:
- diagramslist of
to be evaluated.
- diagramslist of
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
Resulting array.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If model.weights or model.symbols are not initialised.
- weights: np.ndarray¶
- class lambeq.Optimizer(*, model: Model, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None)[source]¶
Optimizer base class.
- __init__(*, model: Model, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise the optimizer base class.
- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq model.
- loss_fnCallable
A loss function of form loss(prediction, labels).
- hyperparamsdict of str to float, optional
A dictionary containing the models hyperparameters.
- boundsArrayLike, optional
The range of each of the model’s parameters.
- model
- abstract backward(batch: tuple[Iterable[Any], ndarray]) float [source]¶
Calculate the gradients of the loss function.
The gradient is calculated with respect to the model parameters.
- Parameters:
- batchtuple of list and numpy.ndarray
Current batch.
- Returns:
- float
The calculated loss.
- class lambeq.PennyLaneModel(probabilities: bool = True, normalize: bool = True, diff_method: str = 'best', backend_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]¶
A lambeq model for the quantum and hybrid quantum/classical pipeline using PennyLane circuits. It uses PyTorch as a backend for all tensor operations.
- __init__(probabilities: bool = True, normalize: bool = True, diff_method: str = 'best', backend_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a
instance with an empty circuit_map dictionary.- Parameters:
- probabilitiesbool, default: True
Whether to use probabilities or states for the output.
- backend_configdict, optional
Configuration for hardware or simulator to be used. Defaults to using the default.qubit PennyLane simulator analytically, with normalized probability outputs. Keys that can be used include ‘backend’, ‘device’, ‘probabilities’, ‘normalize’, ‘shots’, and ‘noise_model’.
- circuit_map: dict[Diagram, PennyLaneCircuit]¶
- forward(x: list[Diagram]) Tensor [source]¶
Perform default forward pass by running circuits.
In case of a different datapoint (e.g. list of tuple) or additional computational steps, please override this method.
- classmethod from_diagrams(diagrams: list[Diagram], probabilities: bool = True, normalize: bool = True, diff_method: str = 'best', backend_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) PennyLaneModel [source]¶
Build model from a list of
.- Parameters:
- diagramslist of
The circuit diagrams to be evaluated.
- backend_configdict, optional
Configuration for hardware or simulator to be used. Defaults to using the default.qubit PennyLane simulator analytically, with normalized probability outputs. Keys that can be used include ‘backend’, ‘device’, ‘probabilities’, ‘normalize’, ‘shots’, and ‘noise_model’.
- diagramslist of
- get_diagram_output(diagrams: list[Diagram]) Tensor [source]¶
Evaluate outputs of circuits using PennyLane.
- initialise_weights() None [source]¶
Initialise the weights of the model.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If model.symbols are not initialised.
- training: bool¶
- weights: torch.nn.ParameterList¶
- class lambeq.PytorchModel[source]¶
A lambeq model for the classical pipeline using PyTorch.
- forward(x: list[Diagram]) Tensor [source]¶
Perform default forward pass by contracting tensors.
In case of a different datapoint (e.g. list of tuple) or additional computational steps, please override this method.
- initialise_weights() None [source]¶
Initialise the weights of the model.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If model.symbols are not initialised.
- training: bool¶
- weights: torch.nn.ParameterList¶
- class lambeq.PytorchTrainer(model: PytorchModel, loss_function: Callable[..., torch.Tensor], epochs: int, optimizer: type[torch.optim.Optimizer] = <class 'torch.optim.adamw.AdamW'>, learning_rate: float = 0.001, device: int = -1, *, optimizer_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, EvalFuncT] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: StrPathT | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = 'text', seed: int | None = None)[source]¶
A PyTorch trainer for the classical pipeline.
- __init__(model: PytorchModel, loss_function: Callable[..., torch.Tensor], epochs: int, optimizer: type[torch.optim.Optimizer] = <class 'torch.optim.adamw.AdamW'>, learning_rate: float = 0.001, device: int = -1, *, optimizer_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, EvalFuncT] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: StrPathT | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = 'text', seed: int | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a
instance using the PyTorch backend.- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq Model using PyTorch for tensor computation.
- loss_functioncallable
A PyTorch loss function from torch.nn.
- epochsint
Number of training epochs.
- optimizertorch.optim.Optimizer, default: torch.optim.AdamW
A PyTorch optimizer from torch.optim.
- learning_ratefloat, default: 1e-3
The learning rate provided to the optimizer for training.
- deviceint, default: -1
CUDA device ID used for tensor operation speed-up. A negative value uses the CPU.
- optimizer_argsdict of str to Any, optional
Any extra arguments to pass to the optimizer.
- evaluate_functionsmapping of str to callable, optional
Mapping of evaluation metric functions from their names. Structure [{“metric”: func}]. Each function takes the prediction “y_hat” and the label “y” as input. The validation step calls “func(y_hat, y)”.
- evaluate_on_trainbool, default: True
Evaluate the metrics on the train dataset.
- use_tensorboardbool, default: False
Use Tensorboard for visualisation of the training logs.
- log_dirstr or PathLike, optional
Location of model checkpoints (and tensorboard log). Default is runs/**CURRENT_DATETIME_HOSTNAME**.
- from_checkpointbool, default: False
Starts training from the checkpoint, saved in the log_dir.
- verbosestr, default: ‘text’,
for options.- seedint, optional
Random seed.
- model
- model: PytorchModel¶
- train_costs: list[float]¶
- train_durations: list[float]¶
- train_epoch_costs: list[float]¶
- train_epoch_durations: list[float]¶
- train_eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]]¶
- training_step(batch: tuple[list[Any], Tensor]) tuple[Tensor, float] [source]¶
Perform a training step.
- Parameters:
- batchtuple of list and torch.Tensor
Current batch.
- Returns:
- Tuple of torch.Tensor and float
The model predictions and the calculated loss.
- val_costs: list[float]¶
- val_durations: list[float]¶
- val_eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]]¶
- class lambeq.QuantumModel[source]¶
Quantum Model base class.
- Attributes:
- symbolslist of symbols
A sorted list of all
occurring in the data.- weightsarray
A data structure containing the numeric values of the model parameters
- __init__() None [source]¶
Initialise a
- abstract forward(x: list[Diagram]) Any [source]¶
Compute the forward pass of the model using get_model_output
- abstract get_diagram_output(diagrams: list[Diagram]) jnp.ndarray | np.ndarray [source]¶
Return the diagram prediction.
- initialise_weights() None [source]¶
Initialise the weights of the model.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If model.symbols are not initialised.
- weights: np.ndarray¶
- class lambeq.QuantumTrainer(model: QuantumModel, loss_function: Callable[..., float], epochs: int, optimizer: type[Optimizer], optim_hyperparams: dict[str, float], *, optimizer_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, EvalFuncT] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: StrPathT | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = 'text', seed: int | None = None)[source]¶
A Trainer for the quantum pipeline.
- __init__(model: QuantumModel, loss_function: Callable[..., float], epochs: int, optimizer: type[Optimizer], optim_hyperparams: dict[str, float], *, optimizer_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, EvalFuncT] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: StrPathT | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = 'text', seed: int | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a
using a quantum backend.- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq Model.
- loss_functioncallable
A loss function.
- epochsint
Number of training epochs
- optimizerOptimizer
An optimizer of type
.- optim_hyperparamsdict of str to float
The hyperparameters to be used by the optimizer.
- optimizer_argsdict of str to Any, optional
Any extra arguments to pass to the optimizer.
- evaluate_functionsmapping of str to callable, optional
Mapping of evaluation metric functions from their names. Structure [{“metric”: func}]. Each function takes the prediction “y_hat” and the label “y” as input. The validation step calls “func(y_hat, y)”.
- evaluate_on_trainbool, default: True
Evaluate the metrics on the train dataset.
- use_tensorboardbool, default: False
Use Tensorboard for visualisation of the training logs.
- log_dirstr or PathLike, optional
Location of model checkpoints (and tensorboard log). Default is runs/**CURRENT_DATETIME_HOSTNAME**.
- from_checkpointbool, default: False
Starts training from the checkpoint, saved in the log_dir.
- verbosestr, default: ‘text’,
for options.- seedint, optional
Random seed.
- model
- fit(train_dataset: Dataset, val_dataset: Dataset | None = None, log_interval: int = 1, eval_interval: int = 1, eval_mode: str = 'epoch', early_stopping_criterion: str | None = None, early_stopping_interval: int | None = None, minimize_criterion: bool = True, full_timing_report: bool = False) None [source]¶
Fit the model on the training data and, optionally, evaluate it on the validation data.
- Parameters:
- train_dataset
Dataset used for training.
- val_dataset
, optional Validation dataset.
- log_intervalint, default: 1
Sets the intervals at which the training statistics are printed if verbose = ‘text’ (otherwise ignored). If None, the statistics are printed at the end of each epoch.
- eval_intervalint, default: 1
Sets the number of epochs at which the metrics are evaluated on the validation dataset. If None, the validation is performed at the end of each epoch.
- eval_mode
, default: ‘epoch’ Sets the evaluation mode. If ‘epoch’, the metrics are evaluated after multiples of eval_interval epochs. If ‘step’, the metrics are evaluated after multiples of eval_interval steps. Ignored if val_dataset is None.
- early_stopping_criterionstr, optional
If specified, the value of this on val_dataset (if provided) will be used as the stopping criterion instead of the (default) validation loss.
- early_stopping_intervalint, optional
If specified, training is stopped if the validation loss does not improve for early_stopping_interval validation cycles.
- minimize_criterion: bool, default: True
Flag indicating if we should minimize or maximize the early stopping criterion.
- full_timing_report: bool, default: False
Flag for including mean timing statistics in the logs.
- train_dataset
- Raises:
- ValueError
If eval_mode is not a valid
- model: QuantumModel¶
- train_costs: list[float]¶
- train_durations: list[float]¶
- train_epoch_costs: list[float]¶
- train_epoch_durations: list[float]¶
- train_eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]]¶
- training_step(batch: tuple[list[Any], ndarray]) tuple[ndarray, float] [source]¶
Perform a training step.
- Parameters:
- batchtuple of list and np.ndarray
Current batch.
- Returns:
- Tuple of np.ndarray and float
The model predictions and the calculated loss.
- val_costs: list[float]¶
- val_durations: list[float]¶
- val_eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]]¶
- class lambeq.Reader[source]¶
Base class for readers and parsers.
- class lambeq.RemoveCupsRewriter[source]¶
Removes cups from a given diagram.
Diagrams with less cups become circuits with less post-selection, which results in faster QML experiments.
- class lambeq.RemoveSwapsRewriter[source]¶
Produce a proper pregroup diagram by removing any swaps.
Direct conversion of a CCG derivation into a string diagram form may introduce swaps, caused by cross-composition rules and unary rules that may change types and the directionality of composition at any point of the derivation. This class removes swaps, producing a valid pregroup diagram (in J. Lambek’s sense) as follows:
Eliminate swap morphisms by swapping the actual atomic types of the words.
Scan the new diagram for any detached parts, and remove them by merging words together when possible.
- Parameters:
- diagram
The input diagram.
- diagram
- Returns:
A copy of the input diagram without swaps.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the input diagram is not in “pregroup” form, i.e. when words do not strictly precede the morphisms.
The class trades off diagrammatic simplicity and conformance to a formal pregroup grammar for a larger vocabulary, since each word is associated with more types than before and new words (combined tokens) are added to the vocabulary. Depending on the size of your dataset, this might lead to data sparsity problems during training.
In the following example, “am” and “not” are combined at the CCG level using cross composition, which introduces the interwoven pattern of wires.
I am not sleeping ─ ─────────── ─────────────── ──────── n n.r·s·s.l·n s.r·n.r.r·n.r·s n.r·s │ │ │ │ ╰─╮─╯ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╭─╰─╮ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╰╮─╯ ╰─╮──╯ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╭╰─╮ ╭─╰──╮ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╰──╯ ╰─╮─╯ ╰─╮──╯ │ │ │ │ │ ╭─╰─╮ ╭─╰──╮ │ │ │ │ ╰────────╯ ╰─╮──╯ ╰╮─╯ │ │ │ ╭─╰──╮ ╭╰─╮ │ │ ╰────────────────╯ ╰─╮──╯ ╰────╯ │ ╭─╰──╮ │ │ ╰──────────╯
Rewriting with the
class will return:I am not sleeping ─ ─────────── ──────── n n.r·s·s.l·n n.r·s ╰───╯ │ │ ╰────╯ │ │ ╰──────────╯
removing the swaps and combining “am” and “not” into one token.
- class lambeq.RewriteRule[source]¶
Base class for rewrite rules.
- __call__(box: Box) Diagrammable | None [source]¶
Apply the rewrite rule to a box.
- Parameters:
- box
The candidate box to be tested against this rewrite rule.
- box
- Returns:
, optionalThe rewritten diagram, or
if rule does not apply.
The default implementation uses the
methods, but derived classes may choose to not use them, since the defaultRewriter
implementation does not call those methods directly, only this one.
- abstract rewrite(box: Box) Diagrammable [source]¶
Rewrite the given box.
- class lambeq.Rewriter(rules: Iterable[RewriteRule | str] | None = None)[source]¶
Class that rewrites diagrams.
Comes with a set of default rules.
- __init__(rules: Iterable[RewriteRule | str] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a rewriter.
- Parameters:
- rulesiterable of str or RewriteRule, optional
A list of rewrite rules to use.
instances are used directly, str objects are used as names of the default rules. SeeRewriter.available_rules()
for the list of rule names. If omitted, all the default rules are used.
- add_rules(*rules: RewriteRule | str) None [source]¶
Add rules to this rewriter.
- class lambeq.RotosolveOptimizer(*, model: QuantumModel, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[str, float] | None = None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None)[source]¶
An optimizer using the Rotosolve algorithm.
Rotosolve is an optimizer for parametrized quantum circuits. It applies a shift of ±π/2 radians to each parameter, then updates the parameter based on the resulting loss. The loss function is assumed to be a linear combination of Hamiltonian measurements.
This optimizer is designed to work with ansätze that are composed of single-qubit rotations, such as the
.See Ostaszewski et al. for details.
- __init__(*, model: QuantumModel, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[str, float] | None = None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise the Rotosolve optimizer.
- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq quantum model.
- loss_fncallable
A loss function of the form loss(prediction, labels).
- hyperparamsdict of str to float, optional
- boundsArrayLike, optional
- model
- backward(batch: tuple[Iterable[Any], ndarray]) float [source]¶
Perform a single backward pass.
Rotosolve does not calculate a global gradient. Instead, the parameters are updated after applying a shift of ±π/2 radians to each parameter. Therefore, there is no global step to take.
- Parameters:
- batchtuple of Iterable and numpy.ndarray
Current batch. Contains an Iterable of diagrams in index 0, and the targets in index 1.
- Returns:
- float
The calculated loss after the backward pass.
- load_state_dict(state_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) None [source]¶
Load state of the optimizer from the state dictionary.
- model: QuantumModel¶
- class lambeq.SPSAOptimizer(*, model: QuantumModel, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[str, Any] | None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None)[source]¶
An Optimizer using SPSA.
SPSA = Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Spproximations. See for details.
- __init__(*, model: QuantumModel, loss_fn: Callable[[Any, Any], float], hyperparams: dict[str, Any] | None, bounds: _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise the SPSA optimizer.
The hyperparameters must contain the following key value pairs:
hyperparams = { 'a': A learning rate parameter, float 'c': The parameter shift scaling factor, float 'A': A stability constant, float }
A good value for ‘A’ is approximately: 0.01 * Num Training steps
- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq quantum model.
- loss_fnCallable
A loss function of form loss(prediction, labels).
- hyperparamsdict of str to float.
A dictionary containing the models hyperparameters.
- boundsArrayLike, optional
The range of each of the model parameters.
- model
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the hyperparameters are not set correctly, or if the length of bounds does not match the number of the model parameters.
- backward(batch: tuple[Iterable[Any], ndarray]) float [source]¶
Calculate the gradients of the loss function.
The gradients are calculated with respect to the model parameters.
- Parameters:
- batchtuple of Iterable and numpy.ndarray
Current batch. Contains an Iterable of diagrams in index 0, and the targets in index 1.
- Returns:
- float
The calculated loss.
- load_state_dict(state_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) None [source]¶
Load state of the optimizer from the state dictionary.
- Parameters:
- state_dictdict
A dictionary containing a snapshot of the optimizer state.
- model: QuantumModel¶
- project: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray]¶
- class lambeq.Sim14Ansatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False)[source]¶
Modification of circuit 14 from Sim et al.
Replaces circuit-block construction with two rings of CRx gates, in opposite orientation.
Paper at:
Code adapted from DisCoPy.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False) None [source]¶
Instantiate a Sim 14 ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the number of qubits it uses in a circuit.- n_layersint
The number of layers used by the ansatz.
- n_single_qubit_paramsint, default: 3
The number of single qubit rotations used by the ansatz. It only affects wires that ob_map maps to a single qubit.
- discardbool, default: False
Discard open wires instead of post-selecting.
- class lambeq.Sim15Ansatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False)[source]¶
Modification of circuit 15 from Sim et al.
Replaces circuit-block construction with two rings of CNOT gates, in opposite orientation.
Paper at:
Code adapted from DisCoPy.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False) None [source]¶
Instantiate a Sim 15 ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the number of qubits it uses in a circuit.- n_layersint
The number of layers used by the ansatz.
- n_single_qubit_paramsint, default: 3
The number of single qubit rotations used by the ansatz. It only affects wires that ob_map maps to a single qubit.
- discardbool, default: False
Discard open wires instead of post-selecting.
- class lambeq.Sim4Ansatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False)[source]¶
Circuit 4 from Sim et al.
Ansatz with a layer of Rx and Rz gates, followed by a ladder of CRxs.
Paper at:
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, discard: bool = False) None [source]¶
Instantiate a Sim 4 ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the number of qubits it uses in a circuit.- n_layersint
The number of layers used by the ansatz.
- n_single_qubit_paramsint, default: 3
The number of single qubit rotations used by the ansatz. It only affects wires that ob_map maps to a single qubit.
- discardbool, default: False
Discard open wires instead of post-selecting.
- class lambeq.SimpleRewriteRule(cod: Ty, template: Diagrammable, words: Container[str] | None = None, case_sensitive: bool = False)[source]¶
A simple rewrite rule.
This rule matches each box against a required codomain and, if provided, a set of words. If they match, the word box is rewritten into a set template.
- __init__(cod: Ty, template: Diagrammable, words: Container[str] | None = None, case_sensitive: bool = False) None [source]¶
Instantiate a simple rewrite rule.
- Parameters:
- cod
The type that the codomain of each box is matched against.
- template
The diagram that a matching box is replaced with. A special placeholder box is replaced by the word in the matched box, and can be created using
.- wordscontainer of str, optional
If provided, this is a list of words that are rewritten by this rule. If a box does not have one of these words, it is not rewritten, even if the codomain matches. If omitted, all words are permitted.
- case_sensitivebool, default: False
This indicates whether the list of words specified above are compared case-sensitively. The default is
- cod
- classmethod placeholder(cod: Ty) Word [source]¶
Helper function to generate the placeholder for a template.
- Parameters:
- cod
The codomain of the placeholder, and hence the word in the resulting rewritten diagram.
- cod
- Returns:
A placeholder word with the given codomain.
- rewrite(box: Box) Diagrammable [source]¶
Rewrite the given box.
- class lambeq.SpacyTokeniser[source]¶
Tokeniser class based on SpaCy.
- class lambeq.SpiderAnsatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim], max_order: int = 2)[source]¶
Split large boxes into spiders.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim], max_order: int = 2) None [source]¶
Instantiate a spider ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the dimension space it uses in a tensor network.- max_order: int
The maximum order of each tensor, which must be at least 2.
- class lambeq.StronglyEntanglingAnsatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, ranges: list[int] | None = None, discard: bool = False)[source]¶
Strongly entangling ansatz.
Ansatz using three single qubit rotations (RzRyRz) followed by a ladder of CNOT gates with different ranges per layer.
This is adapted from the PennyLane implementation of the
, pursuant to Apache 2.0 licence.The original paper which introduces the architecture can be found here.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, int], n_layers: int, n_single_qubit_params: int = 3, ranges: list[int] | None = None, discard: bool = False) None [source]¶
Instantiate a strongly entangling ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the number of qubits it uses in a circuit.- n_layersint
The number of circuit layers used by the ansatz.
- n_single_qubit_paramsint, default: 3
The number of single qubit rotations used by the ansatz. It only affects wires that ob_map maps to a single qubit.
- rangeslist of int, optional
The range of the CNOT gate between wires in each layer. By default, the range starts at one (i.e. adjacent wires) and increases by one for each subsequent layer.
- discardbool, default: False
Discard open wires instead of post-selecting.
- class lambeq.Symbol(name: str, directed_dom: int = 1, directed_cod: int = 1, **assumptions: bool)[source]¶
A sympy symbol augmented with extra information.
- Attributes:
- directed_domint
The size of the domain of the tensor-box that this symbol represents.
- directed_codint
The size of the codomain of the tensor-box that this symbol represents.
- sizeint
The total size of the tensor that this symbol represents (directed_dom * directed_cod).
- default_assumptions = {}¶
- directed_cod: int¶
- directed_dom: int¶
- name: str¶
- property size: int¶
- sort_key(order: Literal[None] = None) tuple[Any, ...] [source]¶
Return a sort key.
>>> from sympy import S, I
>>> sorted([S(1)/2, I, -I], key=lambda x: x.sort_key()) [1/2, -I, I]
>>> S("[x, 1/x, 1/x**2, x**2, x**(1/2), x**(1/4), x**(3/2)]") [x, 1/x, x**(-2), x**2, sqrt(x), x**(1/4), x**(3/2)] >>> sorted(_, key=lambda x: x.sort_key()) [x**(-2), 1/x, x**(1/4), sqrt(x), x, x**(3/2), x**2]
- class lambeq.TensorAnsatz(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim])[source]¶
Base class for tensor network ansatz.
- __init__(ob_map: Mapping[Ty, Dim]) None [source]¶
Instantiate a tensor network ansatz.
- Parameters:
- ob_mapdict
A mapping from
to the dimension space it uses in a tensor network.
- class lambeq.TketModel(backend_config: dict[str, Any])[source]¶
Model based on tket.
This can run either shot-based simulations of a quantum pipeline or experiments run on quantum hardware using tket.
- __init__(backend_config: dict[str, Any]) None [source]¶
Initialise TketModel based on the t|ket> backend.
- Other Parameters:
- backend_configdict
Dictionary containing the backend configuration. Must include the fields backend, compilation and shots.
- Raises:
- KeyError
If backend_config is not provided or has missing fields.
- forward(x: list[Diagram]) ndarray [source]¶
Perform default forward pass of a lambeq quantum model.
In case of a different datapoint (e.g. list of tuple) or additional computational steps, please override this method.
- get_diagram_output(diagrams: list[Diagram]) ndarray [source]¶
Return the prediction for each diagram using t|ket>.
- weights: np.ndarray¶
- class lambeq.Tokeniser[source]¶
Base Class for all tokenisers
- abstract split_sentences(text: str) list[str] [source]¶
Split input text into a list of sentences.
- Parameters:
- textstr
A single string that contains one or multiple sentences.
- Returns:
- list of str
List of sentences, one sentence in each string.
- class lambeq.Trainer(model: Model, loss_function: Callable[[...], Any], epochs: int, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, Callable[[Any, Any], Any]] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: str | PathLike[str] | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = 'text', seed: int | None = None)[source]¶
Base class for a lambeq trainer.
- __init__(model: Model, loss_function: Callable[[...], Any], epochs: int, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, Callable[[Any, Any], Any]] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: str | PathLike[str] | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = 'text', seed: int | None = None) None [source]¶
Initialise a lambeq trainer.
- Parameters:
- model
A lambeq Model.
- loss_functioncallable
A loss function to compare the prediction to the true label.
- epochsint
Number of training epochs.
- evaluate_functionsmapping of str to callable, optional
Mapping of evaluation metric functions from their names.
- evaluate_on_trainbool, default: True
Evaluate the metrics on the train dataset.
- use_tensorboardbool, default: False
Use Tensorboard for visualisation of the training logs.
- log_dirstr or PathLike, optional
Location of model checkpoints (and tensorboard log). Default is runs/**CURRENT_DATETIME_HOSTNAME**.
- from_checkpointbool, default: False
Starts training from the checkpoint, saved in the log_dir.
- verbosestr, default: ‘text’,
for options.- seedint, optional
Random seed.
- model
- fit(train_dataset: Dataset, val_dataset: Dataset | None = None, log_interval: int = 1, eval_interval: int = 1, eval_mode: str = 'epoch', early_stopping_criterion: str | None = None, early_stopping_interval: int | None = None, minimize_criterion: bool = True, full_timing_report: bool = False) None [source]¶
Fit the model on the training data and, optionally, evaluate it on the validation data.
- Parameters:
- train_dataset
Dataset used for training.
- val_dataset
, optional Validation dataset.
- log_intervalint, default: 1
Sets the intervals at which the training statistics are printed if verbose = ‘text’ (otherwise ignored). If None, the statistics are printed at the end of each epoch.
- eval_intervalint, default: 1
Sets the number of epochs at which the metrics are evaluated on the validation dataset. If None, the validation is performed at the end of each epoch.
- eval_mode
, default: ‘epoch’ Sets the evaluation mode. If ‘epoch’, the metrics are evaluated after multiples of eval_interval epochs. If ‘step’, the metrics are evaluated after multiples of eval_interval steps. Ignored if val_dataset is None.
- early_stopping_criterionstr, optional
If specified, the value of this on val_dataset (if provided) will be used as the stopping criterion instead of the (default) validation loss.
- early_stopping_intervalint, optional
If specified, training is stopped if the validation loss does not improve for early_stopping_interval validation cycles.
- minimize_criterion: bool, default: True
Flag indicating if we should minimize or maximize the early stopping criterion.
- full_timing_report: bool, default: False
Flag for including mean timing statistics in the logs.
- train_dataset
- Raises:
- ValueError
If eval_mode is not a valid
- load_training_checkpoint(log_dir: str | PathLike[str]) Checkpoint [source]¶
Load model from a checkpoint.
- Parameters:
- log_dirstr or PathLike
The path to the checkpoint file.
- Returns:
- py:class:.Checkpoint
Checkpoint containing the model weights, symbols and the training history.
- Raises:
- FileNotFoundError
If the file does not exist.
- save_checkpoint(save_dict: Mapping[str, Any], log_dir: str | PathLike[str], prefix: str = '') None [source]¶
Save checkpoint.
- Parameters:
- save_dictmapping of str to any
Mapping containing the checkpoint information.
- log_dirstr or PathLike
The path where to store the checkpoint file.
- prefixstr, default: ‘’
Prefix for the checkpoint file name.
- class lambeq.TreeReader(ccg_parser: ~lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_parser.CCGParser |[[], ~lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_parser.CCGParser] = <class 'lambeq.text2diagram.bobcat_parser.BobcatParser'>, mode: ~lambeq.text2diagram.tree_reader.TreeReaderMode = TreeReaderMode.NO_TYPE, word_type: ~lambeq.backend.grammar.Ty = Ty(s))[source]¶
A reader that combines words according to a parse tree.
- __init__(ccg_parser: ~lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_parser.CCGParser |[[], ~lambeq.text2diagram.ccg_parser.CCGParser] = <class 'lambeq.text2diagram.bobcat_parser.BobcatParser'>, mode: ~lambeq.text2diagram.tree_reader.TreeReaderMode = TreeReaderMode.NO_TYPE, word_type: ~lambeq.backend.grammar.Ty = Ty(s)) None [source]¶
Initialise a tree reader.
- Parameters:
- ccg_parserCCGParser or callable, default: BobcatParser
object or a function that returns it. The parse tree produced by the parser is used to generate the tree diagram.- modeTreeReaderMode, default: TreeReaderMode.NO_TYPE
Determines what boxes are used to combine the tree. See
for options.- word_typeTy, default: core.types.AtomicType.SENTENCE
The type of each word box. By default, it uses the sentence type from
- sentence2diagram(sentence: str | List[str], tokenised: bool = False, collapse_noun_phrases: bool = True, suppress_exceptions: bool = False) Diagram | None [source]¶
Parse a sentence into a lambeq diagram.
This produces a tree-shaped diagram based on the output of the CCG parser.
- Parameters:
- sentencestr or list of str
The sentence to be parsed.
- tokenisedbool, default: False
Whether the sentence has been passed as a list of tokens.
- collapse_noun_phrasesbool, default: True
If set, then before converting each tree to a diagram, any noun phrase types in the tree are changed into nouns. This includes sub-types, e.g. S/NP becomes S/N.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
- Returns:
or NoneThe parsed diagram, or
on failure.
- static tree2diagram(tree: CCGTree, mode: TreeReaderMode = TreeReaderMode.NO_TYPE, word_type: Ty = Ty(s), suppress_exceptions: bool = False) Diagram | None [source]¶
Convert a
into aDiagram
.This produces a tree-shaped diagram based on the output of the CCG parser.
- Parameters:
- tree
The CCG tree to be converted.
- modeTreeReaderMode, default: TreeReaderMode.NO_TYPE
Determines what boxes are used to combine the tree. See
for options.- word_typeTy, default: core.types.AtomicType.SENTENCE
The type of each word box. By default, it uses the sentence type from
.- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
- tree
- Returns:
or NoneThe parsed diagram, or
on failure.
- class lambeq.TreeReaderMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]¶
An enumeration for
.The words in the tree diagram can be combined using 3 modes:
The ‘no type’ mode names every rule box
The ‘rule name’ mode names every rule box based on the name of the original CCG rule. For example, for the forward application rule
FA(N << N)
, the rule box will be namedFA
The ‘rule type’ mode names every rule box based on the name and type of the original CCG rule. For example, for the forward application rule
FA(N << N)
, the rule box will be namedFA(N << N)
The ‘height’ mode names every rule box based on the tree height of its subtree. For example, a rule box directly combining two words will be named
- HEIGHT = 3¶
- NO_TYPE = 0¶
- RULE_ONLY = 1¶
- RULE_TYPE = 2¶
- class lambeq.UnifyCodomainRewriter(output_type: Ty = Ty(s))[source]¶
Unifies the codomain of diagrams to match a given type.
A rewriter that takes diagrams with
d.cod != output_type
and append ad.cod -> output_type
box.- Attributes:
- output_type
, defaultS
The output type of the appended box.
- output_type
- class lambeq.UnknownWordsRewriteRule(vocabulary: Container[str | tuple[str, Ty]], unk_token: str = '<UNK>')[source]¶
A rewrite rule for unknown words.
This rule matches any word not included in its vocabulary and, when passed a diagram, replaces all the boxes containing an unknown word with an UNK box corresponding to the same pregroup type.
- __init__(vocabulary: Container[str | tuple[str, Ty]], unk_token: str = '<UNK>') None [source]¶
Instantiate an UnknownWordsRewriteRule.
- Parameters:
- vocabularycontainer of str or tuple of str and Ty
A list of words (or words with specific output types) to not be rewritten by this rule.
- unk_tokenstr, default: ‘<UNK>’
The string to use for the UNK token.
- classmethod from_diagrams(diagrams: Iterable[Diagram], min_freq: int = 1, unk_token: str = '<UNK>', ignore_types: bool = False) UnknownWordsRewriteRule [source]¶
Create the rewrite rule from a set of diagrams.
The vocabulary is the set of words that occur at least min_freq times throughout the set of diagrams.
- Parameters:
- diagramslist of Diagram
Diagrams from which the vocabulary is created.
- min_freqint, default: 1
The minimum frequency required for a word to be included in the vocabulary.
- unk_tokenstr, default: ‘<UNK>’
The string to use for the UNK token.
- ignore_typesbool, default: False
Whether to just consider the word when determining frequency or to also consider the output type of the box (the default behaviour).
- class lambeq.VerbosityLevel(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]¶
Level of verbosity for progress reporting.
Table 4 Available Options¶ Option
Use progress bar.
Give text report.
No output.
All outputs are printed to stderr. Visual Studio Code does not always display progress bars correctly, use
level reporting in Visual Studio Code at your own risk.- PROGRESS = 'progress'¶
- SUPPRESS = 'suppress'¶
- TEXT = 'text'¶
- class lambeq.WebParser(parser: str = 'depccg', verbose: str = 'suppress')[source]¶
Wrapper that allows passing parser queries to an online service.
- __init__(parser: str = 'depccg', verbose: str = 'suppress') None [source]¶
Initialise a web parser.
- Parameters:
- parserstr, optional
The web parser to use. By default, this is depccg parser.
- verbosestr, default: ‘suppress’,
for options.
- sentences2trees(sentences: List[str] | List[List[str]], tokenised: bool = False, suppress_exceptions: bool = False, verbose: str | None = None) list[CCGTree | None] [source]¶
Parse multiple sentences into a list of
s.- Parameters:
- sentenceslist of str, or list of list of str
The sentences to be parsed.
- suppress_exceptionsbool, default: False
Whether to suppress exceptions. If
, then if a sentence fails to parse, instead of raising an exception, its return entry isNone
.- verbosestr, optional
for options. If set, it takes priority over theverbose
attribute of the parser.
- Returns:
- list of
or None The parsed trees. May contain
if exceptions are suppressed.
- list of
- Raises:
- URLError
If the service URL is not well formed.
- ValueError
If a sentence is blank or type of the sentence does not match tokenised flag.
- WebParseError
If the parser fails to obtain a parse tree from the server.