# Copyright Quantinuum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import warnings
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rv_discrete
Number = Union[float, complex]
T0 = TypeVar("T0")
T1 = TypeVar("T1")
class EmpiricalDistribution(Generic[T0]):
"""Represents an empirical distribution of values.
Supports methods for combination, marginalization, expectation value, etc.
>>> dist1 = EmpiricalDistribution(Counter({(0, 0): 3, (0, 1): 2, (1, 0): 4, (1, 1):
... 0}))
>>> dist2 = EmpiricalDistribution(Counter({(0, 0): 1, (0, 1): 0, (1, 0): 2, (1, 1):
... 1}))
>>> dist1.sample_mean(lambda x : x[0] + 2*x[1])
>>> dist3 = dist2.condition(lambda x: x[0] == 1)
>>> dist3
EmpiricalDistribution(Counter({(1, 0): 2, (1, 1): 1}))
>>> dist4 = dist1 + dist3
>>> dist4
EmpiricalDistribution(Counter({(1, 0): 6, (0, 0): 3, (0, 1): 2, (1, 1): 1}))
def __init__(self, C: Counter[T0]):
self._C: Counter[T0] = Counter({x: c for x, c in C.items() if c > 0})
def as_counter(self) -> Counter[T0]:
"""Return the distribution as a :py:class:`collections.Counter` object."""
return self._C
def total(self) -> int:
"""Return the total number of observations."""
return self._C.total()
def support(self) -> set[T0]:
"""Return the support of the distribution (set of all observations)."""
return set(self._C.keys())
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Compare distributions for equality."""
if not isinstance(other, EmpiricalDistribution):
return NotImplemented
return self._C == other._C
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._C!r})"
def __getitem__(self, x: T0) -> int:
"""Get the count associated with an observation."""
return self._C[x]
def __add__(
self, other: "EmpiricalDistribution[T0]"
) -> "EmpiricalDistribution[T0]":
"""Combine two distributions."""
return EmpiricalDistribution(self._C + other._C)
def condition(self, criterion: Callable[[T0], bool]) -> "EmpiricalDistribution[T0]":
"""Return a new distribution conditioned on the given criterion.
:param criterion: A boolean function defined on all possible observations.
return EmpiricalDistribution(
Counter({x: c for x, c in self._C.items() if criterion(x)})
def map(self, mapping: Callable[[T0], T1]) -> "EmpiricalDistribution[T1]":
"""Return a distribution over a transformed domain.
The provided function maps elements in the original domain to new elements. If
it is not injective, counts are combined.
:param mapping: A function defined on all possible observations, mapping them
to another domain.
C: Counter[T1] = Counter()
for x, c in self._C.items():
C[mapping(x)] += c
return EmpiricalDistribution(C)
def sample_mean(self, f: Callable[[T0], Number]) -> Number:
"""Compute the sample mean of a functional.
The provided function maps observations to numerical values.
:return: Estimate of the mean of the functional based on the observations."""
return sum(c * f(x) for x, c in self._C.items()) / self.total
def sample_variance(self, f: Callable[[T0], Number]) -> Number:
"""Compute the sample variance of a functional.
The provided function maps observations to numerical values.
The sample variance is an unbiased estimate of the variance of the underlying
:return: Estimate of the variance of the functional based on the
if self.total < 2:
raise RuntimeError(
"At least two samples are required in order to compute the sample "
fs = [(f(x), c) for x, c in self._C.items()]
M0 = self.total
M1 = sum(c * v for v, c in fs)
M2 = sum(c * v**2 for v, c in fs)
return (M2 - M1**2 / M0) / (M0 - 1)
class ProbabilityDistribution(Generic[T0]):
"""Represents an exact probability distribution.
Supports methods for combination, marginalization, expectation value, etc. May be
derived from an :py:class:`EmpriricalDistribution`.
def __init__(self, P: dict[T0, float], min_p: float = 0.0):
"""Initialize with a dictionary of probabilities.
:param P: Dictionary of probabilities.
:param min_p: Optional probability below which to ignore values. Default
0. Distribution is renormalized after removing these values.
The values must be non-negative. If they do not sum to 1, a warning is
emitted; the distribution will contain normalized values.
if any(x < 0 for x in P.values()):
raise ValueError("Distribution contains negative probabilities")
s0 = sum(P.values())
if np.isclose(s0, 0):
raise ValueError("Distribution has zero weight")
if not np.isclose(s0, 1):
"Probabilities used to initialize ProbabilityDistribution do "
"not sum to 1: renormalizing."
newP = {x: p for x, p in P.items() if p > min_p}
s = sum(newP.values())
self._P = {x: p / s for x, p in newP.items()}
def as_dict(self) -> dict[T0, float]:
"""Return the distribution as a :py:class:`dict` object."""
return self._P
def as_rv_discrete(self) -> tuple[rv_discrete, list[T0]]:
"""Return the distribution as a :py:class:`scipy.stats.rv_discrete` object.
This method returns an RV over integers {0, 1, ..., k-1} where k is the size of
the support, and a list whose i'th member is the item corresponding to the value
i of the RV.
X = list(self._P.keys())
return (rv_discrete(values=(range(len(X)), [self._P[x] for x in X])), X)
def support(self) -> set[T0]:
"""Return the support of the distribution (set of all possible outcomes)."""
return set(self._P.keys())
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Compare distributions for equality."""
if not isinstance(other, ProbabilityDistribution):
return NotImplemented
keys0 = frozenset(self._P.keys())
keys1 = frozenset(other._P.keys())
if keys0 != keys1:
return False
return all(np.isclose(self._P[x], other._P[x]) for x in keys0)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._P!r})"
def __getitem__(self, x: T0) -> float:
"""Get the probability associated with a possible outcome."""
return self._P.get(x, 0.0)
def from_empirical_distribution(
cls, ed: EmpiricalDistribution[T0]
) -> "ProbabilityDistribution[T0]":
"""Estimate a probability distribution from an empirical distribution."""
S = ed.total
if S == 0:
raise ValueError("Empirical distribution has no values")
f = 1 / S
return cls({x: f * c for x, c in ed.as_counter().items()})
def condition(
self, criterion: Callable[[T0], bool]
) -> "ProbabilityDistribution[T0]":
"""Return a new distribution conditioned on the given criterion.
:param criterion: A boolean function defined on all possible outcomes.
S = sum(c for x, c in self._P.items() if criterion(x))
if np.isclose(S, 0):
raise ValueError("Condition has probability zero")
f = 1 / S
return ProbabilityDistribution(
{x: f * c for x, c in self._P.items() if criterion(x)}
def map(self, mapping: Callable[[T0], T1]) -> "ProbabilityDistribution[T1]":
"""Return a distribution over a transformed domain.
The provided function maps elements in the original domain to new elements. If
it is not injective, probabilities are combined.
:param mapping: A function defined on all possible outcomes, mapping them to
another domain.
P: defaultdict[Any, float] = defaultdict(float)
for x, p in self._P.items():
P[mapping(x)] += p
return ProbabilityDistribution(P)
def expectation(self, f: Callable[[T0], Number]) -> Number:
"""Compute the expectation value of a functional.
The provided function maps possible outcomes to numerical values.
:return: Expectation of the functional.
return sum(p * f(x) for x, p in self._P.items())
def variance(self, f: Callable[[T0], Number]) -> Number:
"""Compute the variance of a functional.
The provided function maps possible outcomes to numerical values.
:return: Variance of the functional.
fs = [(f(x), p) for x, p in self._P.items()]
return sum(p * v**2 for v, p in fs) - (sum(p * v for v, p in fs)) ** 2
def convex_combination(
dists: list[tuple[ProbabilityDistribution[T0], float]],
) -> ProbabilityDistribution[T0]:
"""Return a convex combination of probability distributions.
Each pair in the list comprises a distribution and a weight. The weights must be
non-negative and sum to 1.
>>> dist1 = ProbabilityDistribution({0: 0.25, 1: 0.5, 2: 0.25})
>>> dist2 = ProbabilityDistribution({0: 0.5, 1: 0.5})
>>> dist3 = convex_combination([(dist1, 0.25), (dist2, 0.75)])
>>> dist3
ProbabilityDistribution({0: 0.4375, 1: 0.5, 2: 0.0625})
>>> dist3.expectation(lambda x : x**2)
P: defaultdict[T0, float] = defaultdict(float)
S = 0.0
for pd, a in dists:
if a < 0:
raise ValueError("Weights must be non-negative.")
for x, p in pd._P.items():
P[x] += a * p
S += a
if not np.isclose(S, 1):
raise ValueError("Weights must sum to 1.")
return ProbabilityDistribution(P)