Parser from Quipper ASCII to tket circuits
- pytket.quipper.circuit_from_quipper(input_file)[source]¶
Generate a pytket
given a program in Quipper ASCII format. Limitations (due to current limitations of pytket):Subroutines must be defined over the full set of qubits.
Global phases are ignored.
Only limited support for controlled gates (depending on the gate type).
No support for ‘QInit’ and ‘QTerm’. All qubits must run from the begining to the end of the circuit.
No support for the legacy keywords (‘QNot’, ‘QMultinot’, ‘QHad’, ‘QSwap’, ‘QW’). These are now represented in Quipper as types of ‘QGate’.
No support for ‘QMeas’ (which in Quipper converts a Q wire to a C wire).
No support for: ‘GPhase’ (global phase), ‘QPrep’, ‘QUnprep’, ‘QDiscard’, or ‘DTerm’.
No support for classical operations (‘CNot’, ‘CGate’, ‘CSwap’, ‘CInit’, ‘CTerm’, ‘CDiscard’).