Source code for pytket.circuit.logic_exp

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"""Classes and functions for constructing logical
 expressions over Bit and BitRegister."""
from typing import (
from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pytket.circuit import Bit, BitRegister

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] def filter_by_type(seq: Iterable, var_type: Type[T]) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, T]]: """Return enumeration of seq, with only elements of type var_type.""" return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x[1], var_type), enumerate(seq))
[docs] class BitWiseOp(Enum): """Enum for operations on Bit.""" AND = "&" OR = "|" XOR = "^" EQ = "==" NEQ = "!=" NOT = "~" ZERO = "0" ONE = "1"
[docs] class RegWiseOp(Enum): """Enum for operations on BitRegister.""" AND = "&" OR = "|" XOR = "^" EQ = "==" NEQ = "!=" LT = "<" GT = ">" LEQ = "<=" GEQ = ">=" ADD = "+" SUB = "-" MUL = "*" DIV = "/" POW = "**" LSH = "<<" RSH = ">>" NOT = "~" NEG = "-"
Ops = Union[BitWiseOp, RegWiseOp] # all op enum types Constant = int # constants in expression Variable = Union[Bit, BitRegister] # variables in expression ArgType = Union["LogicExp", Variable, Constant] # all possible arguments in expression
[docs] @dataclass(init=False) class LogicExp: """Logical expressions over Bit or BitRegister. Encoded as a tree of expressions""" op: Ops # enum for operation encoded by this node args: List[ArgType] # arguments of operation # class level dictionary mapping enum to class op_cls_dict: ClassVar[Dict[Ops, Type["LogicExp"]]] = dict()
[docs] @classmethod def factory(cls, op: Ops) -> Type["LogicExp"]: """Return matching operation class for enum.""" # RegNeg cannot be initialised this way as "-" clashes with SUB if op == BitWiseOp.AND: return BitAnd if op == BitWiseOp.OR: return BitOr if op == BitWiseOp.XOR: return BitXor if op == BitWiseOp.NOT: return BitNot if op == BitWiseOp.EQ: return BitEq if op == BitWiseOp.NEQ: return BitNeq if op == BitWiseOp.ZERO: return BitZero if op == BitWiseOp.ONE: return BitOne if op == RegWiseOp.AND: return RegAnd if op == RegWiseOp.OR: return RegOr if op == RegWiseOp.XOR: return RegXor if op == RegWiseOp.ADD: return RegAdd if op == RegWiseOp.SUB: return RegSub if op == RegWiseOp.MUL: return RegMul if op == RegWiseOp.DIV: return RegDiv if op == RegWiseOp.POW: return RegPow if op == RegWiseOp.LSH: return RegLsh if op == RegWiseOp.RSH: return RegRsh if op == RegWiseOp.EQ: return RegEq if op == RegWiseOp.NEQ: return RegNeq if op == RegWiseOp.LT: return RegLt if op == RegWiseOp.GT: return RegGt if op == RegWiseOp.LEQ: return RegLeq if op == RegWiseOp.GEQ: return RegGeq if op == RegWiseOp.NOT: return RegNot raise ValueError("op type not supported")
[docs] def set_value(self, var: Variable, val: Constant) -> None: """Set value of var to val recursively.""" for i, arg in enumerate(self.args): if isinstance(arg, (Bit, BitRegister)): if arg == var: self.args[i] = val elif isinstance(arg, LogicExp): arg.set_value(var, val)
@staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: """Evaluate expression given constant values for all args.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_vals(self) -> ArgType: """Attempt to evaluate all sub-expressions; simple constant folding.""" rval: ArgType = self for i, arg in filter_by_type(self.args, LogicExp): self.args[i] = arg.eval_vals() if all(isinstance(a, Constant) for a in self.args): try: rval = self._const_eval(cast(List[Constant], self.args)) except NotImplementedError: pass return rval
[docs] def all_inputs(self) -> Set[Variable]: """ :return: All variables involved in expression. :rtype: Set[Variable] """ outset: Set[Variable] = set() for arg in self.args: if isinstance(arg, LogicExp): outset.update(arg.all_inputs()) continue if isinstance(self, BitLogicExp): if isinstance(arg, Bit): outset.add(arg) else: if isinstance(arg, BitRegister): outset.add(arg) return outset
[docs] def all_inputs_ordered(self) -> list[Variable]: """ :return: All variables involved in expression, in order of first appearance. :rtype: list[Variable] """ # use dict[Variable, None] instead of set[Variable] to preserve order outset: dict[Variable, None] = {} for arg in self.args: if isinstance(arg, LogicExp): outset.update(dict.fromkeys(arg.all_inputs_ordered())) continue if isinstance(self, BitLogicExp): if isinstance(arg, Bit): outset[arg] = None else: if isinstance(arg, BitRegister): outset[arg] = None return list(outset)
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, LogicExp): return False return (self.op == other.op) and (self.args == other.args)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Output JSON serializable nested dictionary.""" out: Dict[str, Any] = {"op": str(self.op)} args_ser: List[Union[Dict, Constant, List[Union[str, int]]]] = [] for arg in self.args: if isinstance(arg, LogicExp): args_ser.append(arg.to_dict()) elif isinstance(arg, Constant): args_ser.append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Bit): args_ser.append(arg.to_list()) elif isinstance(arg, BitRegister): args_ser.append({"name":, "size": arg.size}) out["args"] = args_ser return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dic: Dict[str, Any]) -> "LogicExp": """Load from JSON serializable nested dictionary.""" opset_name, op_name = dic["op"].split(".", 2) opset = BitWiseOp if opset_name == "BitWiseOp" else RegWiseOp op = cast( Union[BitWiseOp, RegWiseOp], next(o for o in opset if == op_name) ) args: List[ArgType] = [] for arg_ser in dic["args"]: if isinstance(arg_ser, Constant): args.append(arg_ser) elif isinstance(arg_ser, List): args.append(Bit(arg_ser[0], arg_ser[1])) elif isinstance(arg_ser, Dict): if "op" in arg_ser: args.append(LogicExp.from_dict(arg_ser)) else: args.append(BitRegister(arg_ser["name"], arg_ser["size"])) return create_logic_exp(op, args)
def _rename_args_recursive( self, cmap: Dict[Bit, Bit], renamed_regs: Set[str] ) -> bool: success = False for i, arg in enumerate(self.args): if isinstance(arg, Bit): if arg in cmap: self.args[i] = cmap[arg] success = True elif isinstance(arg, BitRegister): if in renamed_regs: raise ValueError( f"""Can't rename bits in {arg.__repr__()} """ """because the register is being used """ """in a register-wise logic expression.""" ) elif isinstance(arg, LogicExp): success |= arg._rename_args_recursive(cmap, renamed_regs) return success
[docs] def rename_args(self, cmap: Dict[Bit, Bit]) -> bool: """Rename the Bits according to a Bit map. Raise ValueError if a bit is being used in a register-wise expression. """ if all(old_bit == new_bit for old_bit, new_bit in cmap.items()): return False renamed_regs = set([key.reg_name for key in cmap.keys()]) return self._rename_args_recursive(cmap, renamed_regs)
BitArgType = Union[LogicExp, Bit, Constant] RegArgType = Union[LogicExp, BitRegister, Constant]
[docs] class BitLogicExp(LogicExp): """Expression acting only on Bit or Constant types.""" def __and__(self, other: BitArgType) -> "BitAnd": return BitAnd(self, other) def __rand__(self, other: BitArgType) -> "BitAnd": return BitAnd(self, other) def __or__(self, other: BitArgType) -> "BitOr": return BitOr(self, other) def __ror__(self, other: BitArgType) -> "BitOr": return BitOr(self, other) def __xor__(self, other: BitArgType) -> "BitXor": return BitXor(self, other) def __rxor__(self, other: BitArgType) -> "BitXor": return BitXor(self, other)
[docs] class RegLogicExp(LogicExp): """Expression acting only on BitRegister or Constant types.""" def __and__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegAnd": return RegAnd(self, other) def __rand__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegAnd": return RegAnd(self, other) def __or__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegOr": return RegOr(self, other) def __ror__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegOr": return RegOr(self, other) def __xor__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegXor": return RegXor(self, other) def __rxor__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegXor": return RegXor(self, other) def __add__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegAdd": return RegAdd(self, other) def __sub__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegSub": return RegSub(self, other) def __mul__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegMul": return RegMul(self, other) def __floordiv__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegDiv": return RegDiv(self, other) def __pow__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegPow": return RegPow(self, other) def __lshift__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegLsh": return RegLsh(self, other) def __rshift__(self, other: RegArgType) -> "RegRsh": return RegRsh(self, other)
[docs] class BinaryOp(LogicExp): """Expresion for operation on two arguments.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"({self.args[0]} {self.op.value} {self.args[1]})"
[docs] class UnaryOp(LogicExp): """Expression for operation on one argument.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"({self.op.value} {self.args[0]})"
[docs] class NullaryOp(LogicExp): """Expression for operation on no arguments (i.e. constant).""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"({self.op.value})"
[docs] class And(BinaryOp): @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] & args[1]
[docs] def eval_vals(self) -> ArgType: rval: ArgType = super().eval_vals() if 0 in self.args: return 0 return rval
[docs] class Or(BinaryOp): @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] | args[1]
[docs] class Xor(BinaryOp): @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] ^ args[1]
[docs] class BitAnd(And, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: BitArgType, arg2: BitArgType) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.AND self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class BitOr(Or, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: BitArgType, arg2: BitArgType) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.OR self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] def eval_vals(self) -> ArgType: rval: ArgType = super().eval_vals() if 1 in self.args: return 1 return rval
[docs] class BitXor(Xor, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: BitArgType, arg2: BitArgType) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.XOR self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class BitNot(UnaryOp, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: BitArgType) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.NOT self.args = [arg1] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return 1 - args[0]
[docs] class BitZero(NullaryOp, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.ZERO self.args = [] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return 0
[docs] class BitOne(NullaryOp, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.ONE self.args = [] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return 1
[docs] class RegAnd(And, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.AND self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegOr(Or, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.OR self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegXor(Xor, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.XOR self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegAdd(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.ADD self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegSub(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.SUB self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegMul(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.MUL self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegDiv(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.DIV self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegPow(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.POW self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegLsh(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.LSH self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegNeg(UnaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.NEG self.args = [arg1]
[docs] class RegNot(UnaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.NOT self.args = [arg1]
[docs] class RegRsh(BinaryOp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.RSH self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class PredicateExp(BinaryOp): """ A binary predicate where the arguments are either Bits, BitRegisters, or Constants. """
[docs] class Eq(PredicateExp): @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] == args[1]
[docs] class Neq(PredicateExp): @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return 1 - Eq._const_eval(args)
[docs] class BitEq(Eq, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: BitArgType, arg2: BitArgType) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.EQ self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class BitNeq(Neq, BitLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: BitArgType, arg2: BitArgType) -> None: self.op = BitWiseOp.NEQ self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegEq(Eq, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.EQ self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegNeq(Neq, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.NEQ self.args = [arg1, arg2]
[docs] class RegLt(PredicateExp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.LT self.args = [arg1, arg2] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] < args[1]
[docs] class RegGt(PredicateExp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.GT self.args = [arg1, arg2] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] > args[1]
[docs] class RegLeq(PredicateExp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.LEQ self.args = [arg1, arg2] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] <= args[1]
[docs] class RegGeq(PredicateExp, RegLogicExp): def __init__(self, arg1: RegArgType, arg2: RegArgType) -> None: self.op = RegWiseOp.GEQ self.args = [arg1, arg2] @staticmethod def _const_eval(args: List[Constant]) -> Constant: return args[0] >= args[1]
[docs] def reg_eq(register: Union[RegLogicExp, BitRegister], value: Constant) -> RegLogicExp: """Function to express a BitRegister equality predicate, i.e. for a register ``r``, ``(r == 5)`` is expressed as ``reg_eq(r, 5)``""" return RegEq(register, value)
[docs] def reg_neq(register: Union[RegLogicExp, BitRegister], value: Constant) -> RegLogicExp: """Function to express a BitRegister inequality predicate, i.e. for a register ``r``, ``(r != 5)`` is expressed as ``reg_neq(r, 5)``""" return RegNeq(register, value)
[docs] def reg_lt(register: Union[RegLogicExp, BitRegister], value: Constant) -> RegLogicExp: """Function to express a BitRegister less than predicate, i.e. for a register ``r``, ``(r < 5)`` is expressed as ``reg_lt(r, 5)``""" return RegLt(register, value)
[docs] def reg_gt(register: Union[RegLogicExp, BitRegister], value: Constant) -> RegLogicExp: """Function to express a BitRegister greater than predicate, i.e. for a register ``r``, ``(r > 5)`` is expressed as ``reg_gt(r, 5)``""" return RegGt(register, value)
[docs] def reg_leq(register: Union[RegLogicExp, BitRegister], value: Constant) -> RegLogicExp: """Function to express a BitRegister less than or equal to predicate, i.e. for a register ``r``, ``(r <= 5)`` is expressed as ``reg_leq(r, 5)``""" return RegLeq(register, value)
[docs] def reg_geq(register: Union[RegLogicExp, BitRegister], value: Constant) -> RegLogicExp: """Function to express a BitRegister greater than or equal to predicate, i.e. for a register ``r``, ``(r >= 5)`` is expressed as ``reg_geq(r, 5)``""" return RegGeq(register, value)
[docs] def if_bit(bit: Union[Bit, BitLogicExp]) -> PredicateExp: """Equivalent of ``if bit:``.""" return BitEq(bit, 1)
[docs] def if_not_bit(bit: Union[Bit, BitLogicExp]) -> PredicateExp: """Equivalent of ``if not bit:``.""" return BitEq(bit, 0)
def create_bit_logic_exp(op: BitWiseOp, args: Sequence[BitArgType]) -> BitLogicExp: if op == BitWiseOp.AND: assert len(args) == 2 return BitAnd(args[0], args[1]) if op == BitWiseOp.OR: assert len(args) == 2 return BitOr(args[0], args[1]) if op == BitWiseOp.XOR: assert len(args) == 2 return BitXor(args[0], args[1]) if op == BitWiseOp.NOT: assert len(args) == 1 return BitNot(args[0]) if op == BitWiseOp.EQ: assert len(args) == 2 return BitEq(args[0], args[1]) if op == BitWiseOp.NEQ: assert len(args) == 2 return BitNeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == BitWiseOp.ZERO: assert len(args) == 0 return BitZero() if op == BitWiseOp.ONE: assert len(args) == 0 return BitOne() def create_reg_logic_exp(op: RegWiseOp, args: Sequence[RegArgType]) -> RegLogicExp: if op == RegWiseOp.AND: assert len(args) == 2 return RegAnd(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.OR: assert len(args) == 2 return RegOr(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.XOR: assert len(args) == 2 return RegXor(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.ADD: assert len(args) == 2 return RegAdd(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.SUB: if len(args) == 2: return RegSub(args[0], args[1]) if len(args) == 1: return RegNeg(args[0]) if op == RegWiseOp.NEG: assert len(args) == 1 return RegNeg(args[0]) if op == RegWiseOp.MUL: assert len(args) == 2 return RegMul(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.DIV: assert len(args) == 2 return RegDiv(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.POW: assert len(args) == 2 return RegPow(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.LSH: assert len(args) == 2 return RegLsh(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.RSH: assert len(args) == 2 return RegRsh(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.EQ: assert len(args) == 2 return RegEq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.NEQ: assert len(args) == 2 return RegNeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.LT: assert len(args) == 2 return RegLt(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.GT: assert len(args) == 2 return RegGt(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.LEQ: assert len(args) == 2 return RegLeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.GEQ: assert len(args) == 2 return RegGeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.NOT: assert len(args) == 1 return RegNot(args[0]) raise ValueError("op type not supported") def create_logic_exp(op: Ops, args: Sequence[ArgType]) -> LogicExp: if isinstance(op, BitWiseOp): bit_args = [] for arg in args: assert isinstance(arg, (BitLogicExp, Bit, Constant)) bit_args.append(arg) return create_bit_logic_exp(op, bit_args) else: assert isinstance(op, RegWiseOp) reg_args = [] for arg in args: assert isinstance(arg, (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, Constant)) reg_args.append(arg) return create_reg_logic_exp(op, reg_args) def create_predicate_exp(op: Ops, args: Sequence[ArgType]) -> PredicateExp: if op == BitWiseOp.EQ: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (BitLogicExp, Bit, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (BitLogicExp, Bit, int)) return BitEq(args[0], args[1]) if op == BitWiseOp.NEQ: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (BitLogicExp, Bit, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (BitLogicExp, Bit, int)) return BitNeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.EQ: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) return RegEq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.NEQ: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) return RegNeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.LT: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) return RegLt(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.GT: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) return RegGt(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.LEQ: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) return RegLeq(args[0], args[1]) if op == RegWiseOp.GEQ: assert len(args) == 2 assert isinstance(args[0], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) assert isinstance(args[1], (RegLogicExp, BitRegister, int)) return RegGeq(args[0], args[1]) raise ValueError("op type not supported")