Source code for pytket.backends.backendinfo

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"""BackendInfo class: additional information on Backends"""

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from typing import Any

from pytket.architecture import Architecture, FullyConnected
from pytket.circuit import Node, OpType

_OpTypeErrs = dict[OpType, float]
_Edge = tuple[Node, Node]

def _serialize_all_node_gate_errors(
    d: dict[Node, _OpTypeErrs] | None,
) -> list[list] | None:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [
        [n.to_list(), { err for ot, err in errs.items()}]
        for n, errs in d.items()

def _deserialize_all_node_gate_errors(
    l: list[list] | None,
) -> dict[Node, _OpTypeErrs] | None:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {
        Node.from_list(n): {OpType.from_name(ot): err for ot, err in errs.items()}
        for n, errs in l

def _serialize_all_edge_gate_errors(d: dict[_Edge, _OpTypeErrs] | None) -> list | None:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [
        [[n0.to_list(), n1.to_list()], { err for ot, err in errs.items()}]
        for (n0, n1), errs in d.items()

def _deserialize_all_edge_gate_errors(
    l: list | None,
) -> dict[_Edge, _OpTypeErrs] | None:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {
        (Node.from_list(n0), Node.from_list(n1)): {
            OpType.from_name(ot): err for ot, err in errs.items()
        for (n0, n1), errs in l

def _serialize_all_readout_errors(
    d: dict[Node, list[list[float]]] | None,
) -> list[list] | None:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[n.to_list(), errs] for n, errs in d.items()]

def _deserialize_all_readout_errors(
    l: list[list] | None,
) -> dict[Node, list[list[float]]] | None:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {Node.from_list(n): errs for n, errs in l}

def _serialize_averaged_node_gate_errors(
    d: dict[Node, float] | None,
) -> list[list] | None:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[n.to_list(), err] for n, err in d.items()]

def _deserialize_averaged_node_gate_errors(
    l: list[list] | None,
) -> dict[Node, float] | None:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {Node.from_list(n): err for n, err in l}

def _serialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors(
    d: dict[_Edge, float] | None,
) -> list[list] | None:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[[n0.to_list(), n1.to_list()], err] for (n0, n1), err in d.items()]

def _deserialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors(
    l: list[list] | None,
) -> dict[tuple, float] | None:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {(Node.from_list(n0), Node.from_list(n1)): err for (n0, n1), err in l}

def _serialize_averaged_readout_errors(
    d: dict[Node, float] | None,
) -> list[list] | None:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[n.to_list(), err] for n, err in d.items()]

def _deserialize_averaged_readout_errors(
    l: list[list] | None,
) -> dict[Node, float] | None:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {Node.from_list(n): err for n, err in l}

[docs] @dataclass class BackendInfo: """ Stores various properties of a Backend. This provides all device information useful for compilation. :param name: Class name of the backend. :param device_name: Name of the device. :param version: Pytket-extension version installed when creating object. :param architecture: Optional device connectivity. :param gate_set: Set of supported gate types. :param n_cl_reg: number of classical registers supported. :param supports_fast_feedforward: Flag for hardware support of fast feedforward. :param supports_reset: Flag for hardware support of reset operation :param supports_midcircuit_meas: Flag for hardware support of midcircuit measurement. :param all_node_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and error rate for different single qubit operations. :param all_edge_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture couplings and error rate for different two-qubit operations. :param all_readout_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and uncorrelated single qubit readout errors (2x2 readout probability matrix). :param averaged_node_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and averaged error rate for all single qubit operations. :param averaged_edge_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture couplings and averaged error rate for all two-qubit operations. :param averaged_readout_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and averaged readout errors. :param misc: key-value map with further provider-specific information (must be JSON-serializable) """ # identifying information name: str device_name: str | None version: str # hardware constraints architecture: Architecture | FullyConnected | None gate_set: set[OpType] n_cl_reg: int | None = None # additional feature support supports_fast_feedforward: bool = False supports_reset: bool = False supports_midcircuit_measurement: bool = False # additional basic device characterisation information all_node_gate_errors: dict[Node, dict[OpType, float]] | None = None all_edge_gate_errors: dict[tuple[Node, Node], dict[OpType, float]] | None = None all_readout_errors: dict[Node, list[list[float]]] | None = None averaged_node_gate_errors: dict[Node, float] | None = None averaged_edge_gate_errors: dict[tuple[Node, Node], float] | None = None averaged_readout_errors: dict[Node, float] | None = None # miscellaneous, eg additional noise characterisation and provider-supplied # information misc: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) @property def nodes(self) -> list[Node]: """ List of device nodes of the backend. Returns empty list if the `architecture` field is not provided. :return: List of nodes. :rtype: List[Node] """ if self.architecture is None: return [] return self.architecture.nodes @property def n_nodes(self) -> int: """ Number of nodes in the architecture of the device. Returns 0 if the `architecture` field is not provided. :return: Number of nodes. :rtype: int """ return len(self.nodes)
[docs] def add_misc(self, key: str, val: Any) -> None: """ Add a new entry in BackendInfo's dictionary of additional information. :param key: Key to store and retrieve value. :type key: str :param val: Value to be stored. """ if key in self.misc: raise KeyError("Attempting to add an already existing entry to misc dict") self.misc[key] = val
[docs] def get_misc(self, key: str) -> Any: """ Retrieve information stored in Backend's additional information store :param key: Key to retrieve value. :type key: str :raises KeyError: There is no value stored with the given key. :return: The value stored at the given key. """ return self.misc[key]
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Generate a dictionary serialized representation of BackendInfo, suitable for writing to JSON. :return: JSON serializable dictionary. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ self_dict = asdict(self) if self_dict["architecture"] is not None: self_dict["architecture"] = self_dict["architecture"].to_dict() self_dict["gate_set"] = [op.value for op in self_dict["gate_set"]] self_dict["all_node_gate_errors"] = _serialize_all_node_gate_errors( self_dict["all_node_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["all_edge_gate_errors"] = _serialize_all_edge_gate_errors( self_dict["all_edge_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["all_readout_errors"] = _serialize_all_readout_errors( self_dict["all_readout_errors"] ) self_dict["averaged_node_gate_errors"] = _serialize_averaged_node_gate_errors( self_dict["averaged_node_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] = _serialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors( self_dict["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["averaged_readout_errors"] = _serialize_averaged_readout_errors( self_dict["averaged_readout_errors"] ) return self_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> "BackendInfo": """ Construct BackendInfo object from JSON serializable dictionary representation, as generated by BackendInfo.to_dict. :return: Instance of BackendInfo constructed from dictionary. :rtype: BackendInfo """ args = dict(**d) arch = args["architecture"] if arch is not None: if "links" in arch: args["architecture"] = Architecture.from_dict(args["architecture"]) else: args["architecture"] = FullyConnected.from_dict(args["architecture"]) args["gate_set"] = {OpType(op) for op in args["gate_set"]} args["all_node_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_all_node_gate_errors( args["all_node_gate_errors"] ) args["all_edge_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_all_edge_gate_errors( args["all_edge_gate_errors"] ) args["all_readout_errors"] = _deserialize_all_readout_errors( args["all_readout_errors"] ) args["averaged_node_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_averaged_node_gate_errors( args["averaged_node_gate_errors"] ) args["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors( args["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] ) args["averaged_readout_errors"] = _deserialize_averaged_readout_errors( args["averaged_readout_errors"] ) return cls(**args)
def fully_connected_backendinfo( # type: ignore name: str, device_name: str | None, version: str, n_nodes: int, gate_set: set[OpType], **kwargs ) -> BackendInfo: """ Construct a BackendInfo with a FullyConnected architecture. :param name: Class name of the backend. :param device_name: Name of the device. :param version: Version of the pytket Backend. :param n_nodes: Number of nodes of the device. :param gate_set: Set of supported gate types. :param \\**kwargs: All further arguments are passed to the BackendInfo constructor. """ return BackendInfo( name, device_name, version, FullyConnected(n_nodes), gate_set, **kwargs )