Source code for pytket.backends.backendinfo

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""" BackendInfo class: additional information on Backends """

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, asdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from pytket.architecture import Architecture, FullyConnected
from pytket.circuit import Node, OpType

_OpTypeErrs = Dict[OpType, float]
_Edge = Tuple[Node, Node]

def _serialize_all_node_gate_errors(
    d: Optional[Dict[Node, _OpTypeErrs]]
) -> Optional[List[List]]:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [
        [n.to_list(), { err for ot, err in errs.items()}]
        for n, errs in d.items()

def _deserialize_all_node_gate_errors(
    l: Optional[List[List]],
) -> Optional[Dict[Node, _OpTypeErrs]]:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {
        Node.from_list(n): {OpType.from_name(ot): err for ot, err in errs.items()}
        for n, errs in l

def _serialize_all_edge_gate_errors(
    d: Optional[Dict[_Edge, _OpTypeErrs]]
) -> Optional[List]:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [
        [[n0.to_list(), n1.to_list()], { err for ot, err in errs.items()}]
        for (n0, n1), errs in d.items()

def _deserialize_all_edge_gate_errors(
    l: Optional[List],
) -> Optional[Dict[_Edge, _OpTypeErrs]]:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {
        (Node.from_list(n0), Node.from_list(n1)): {
            OpType.from_name(ot): err for ot, err in errs.items()
        for (n0, n1), errs in l

def _serialize_all_readout_errors(
    d: Optional[Dict[Node, List[List[float]]]]
) -> Optional[List[List]]:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[n.to_list(), errs] for n, errs in d.items()]

def _deserialize_all_readout_errors(
    l: Optional[List[List]],
) -> Optional[Dict[Node, List[List[float]]]]:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {Node.from_list(n): errs for n, errs in l}

def _serialize_averaged_node_gate_errors(
    d: Optional[Dict[Node, float]]
) -> Optional[List[List]]:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[n.to_list(), err] for n, err in d.items()]

def _deserialize_averaged_node_gate_errors(
    l: Optional[List[List]],
) -> Optional[Dict[Node, float]]:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {Node.from_list(n): err for n, err in l}

def _serialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors(
    d: Optional[Dict[_Edge, float]]
) -> Optional[List[List]]:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[[n0.to_list(), n1.to_list()], err] for (n0, n1), err in d.items()]

def _deserialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors(
    l: Optional[List[List]],
) -> Optional[Dict[Tuple, float]]:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {(Node.from_list(n0), Node.from_list(n1)): err for (n0, n1), err in l}

def _serialize_averaged_readout_errors(
    d: Optional[Dict[Node, float]]
) -> Optional[List[List]]:
    if d is None:
        return None
    return [[n.to_list(), err] for n, err in d.items()]

def _deserialize_averaged_readout_errors(
    l: Optional[List[List]],
) -> Optional[Dict[Node, float]]:
    if l is None:
        return None
    return {Node.from_list(n): err for n, err in l}

[docs] @dataclass class BackendInfo: """ Stores various properties of a Backend. This provides all device information useful for compilation. :param name: Class name of the backend. :param device_name: Name of the device. :param version: Pytket-extension version installed when creating object. :param architecture: Optional device connectivity. :param gate_set: Set of supported gate types. :param n_cl_reg: number of classical registers supported. :param supports_fast_feedforward: Flag for hardware support of fast feedforward. :param supports_reset: Flag for hardware support of reset operation :param supports_midcircuit_meas: Flag for hardware support of midcircuit measurement. :param all_node_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and error rate for different single qubit operations. :param all_edge_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture couplings and error rate for different two-qubit operations. :param all_readout_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and uncorrelated single qubit readout errors (2x2 readout probability matrix). :param averaged_node_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and averaged error rate for all single qubit operations. :param averaged_edge_gate_errors: Dictionary between architecture couplings and averaged error rate for all two-qubit operations. :param averaged_readout_errors: Dictionary between architecture Node and averaged readout errors. :param misc: key-value map with further provider-specific information (must be JSON-serializable) """ # identifying information name: str device_name: Optional[str] version: str # hardware constraints architecture: Optional[Union[Architecture, FullyConnected]] gate_set: Set[OpType] n_cl_reg: Optional[int] = None # additional feature support supports_fast_feedforward: bool = False supports_reset: bool = False supports_midcircuit_measurement: bool = False # additional basic device characterisation information all_node_gate_errors: Optional[Dict[Node, Dict[OpType, float]]] = None all_edge_gate_errors: Optional[Dict[Tuple[Node, Node], Dict[OpType, float]]] = None all_readout_errors: Optional[Dict[Node, List[List[float]]]] = None averaged_node_gate_errors: Optional[Dict[Node, float]] = None averaged_edge_gate_errors: Optional[Dict[Tuple[Node, Node], float]] = None averaged_readout_errors: Optional[Dict[Node, float]] = None # miscellaneous, eg additional noise characterisation and provider-supplied # information misc: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) @property def nodes(self) -> List[Node]: """ List of device nodes of the backend. Returns empty list if the `architecture` field is not provided. :return: List of nodes. :rtype: List[Node] """ if self.architecture is None: return [] return self.architecture.nodes @property def n_nodes(self) -> int: """ Number of nodes in the architecture of the device. Returns 0 if the `architecture` field is not provided. :return: Number of nodes. :rtype: int """ return len(self.nodes)
[docs] def add_misc(self, key: str, val: Any) -> None: """ Add a new entry in BackendInfo's dictionary of additional information. :param key: Key to store and retrieve value. :type key: str :param val: Value to be stored. """ if key in self.misc: raise KeyError("Attempting to add an already existing entry to misc dict") self.misc[key] = val
[docs] def get_misc(self, key: str) -> Any: """ Retrieve information stored in Backend's additional information store :param key: Key to retrieve value. :type key: str :raises KeyError: There is no value stored with the given key. :return: The value stored at the given key. """ return self.misc[key]
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Generate a dictionary serialized representation of BackendInfo, suitable for writing to JSON. :return: JSON serializable dictionary. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ self_dict = asdict(self) if self_dict["architecture"] is not None: self_dict["architecture"] = self_dict["architecture"].to_dict() self_dict["gate_set"] = [op.value for op in self_dict["gate_set"]] self_dict["all_node_gate_errors"] = _serialize_all_node_gate_errors( self_dict["all_node_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["all_edge_gate_errors"] = _serialize_all_edge_gate_errors( self_dict["all_edge_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["all_readout_errors"] = _serialize_all_readout_errors( self_dict["all_readout_errors"] ) self_dict["averaged_node_gate_errors"] = _serialize_averaged_node_gate_errors( self_dict["averaged_node_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] = _serialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors( self_dict["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] ) self_dict["averaged_readout_errors"] = _serialize_averaged_readout_errors( self_dict["averaged_readout_errors"] ) return self_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "BackendInfo": """ Construct BackendInfo object from JSON serializable dictionary representation, as generated by BackendInfo.to_dict. :return: Instance of BackendInfo constructed from dictionary. :rtype: BackendInfo """ args = dict(**d) arch = args["architecture"] if arch is not None: if "links" in arch: args["architecture"] = Architecture.from_dict(args["architecture"]) else: args["architecture"] = FullyConnected.from_dict(args["architecture"]) args["gate_set"] = {OpType(op) for op in args["gate_set"]} args["all_node_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_all_node_gate_errors( args["all_node_gate_errors"] ) args["all_edge_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_all_edge_gate_errors( args["all_edge_gate_errors"] ) args["all_readout_errors"] = _deserialize_all_readout_errors( args["all_readout_errors"] ) args["averaged_node_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_averaged_node_gate_errors( args["averaged_node_gate_errors"] ) args["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] = _deserialize_averaged_edge_gate_errors( args["averaged_edge_gate_errors"] ) args["averaged_readout_errors"] = _deserialize_averaged_readout_errors( args["averaged_readout_errors"] ) return cls(**args)
def fully_connected_backendinfo( # type: ignore name: str, device_name: Optional[str], version: str, n_nodes: int, gate_set: Set[OpType], **kwargs ) -> BackendInfo: """ Construct a BackendInfo with a FullyConnected architecture. :param name: Class name of the backend. :param device_name: Name of the device. :param version: Version of the pytket Backend. :param n_nodes: Number of nodes of the device. :param gate_set: Set of supported gate types. :param \\**kwargs: All further arguments are passed to the BackendInfo constructor. """ return BackendInfo( name, device_name, version, FullyConnected(n_nodes), gate_set, **kwargs )