VQE example with pytket-qujax

Download this notebook - pytket-qujax_heisenberg_vqe.ipynb

See the docs for qujax and pytket-qujax.

from jax import numpy as jnp, random, value_and_grad, jit
from pytket import Circuit
from pytket.circuit.display import render_circuit_jupyter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Let’s start with a TKET circuit

import qujax
from pytket.extensions.qujax.qujax_convert import tk_to_qujax

We place barriers to stop tket automatically rearranging gates and we also store the number of circuit parameters as we’ll need this later.

def get_circuit(n_qubits, depth):
    n_params = 2 * n_qubits * (depth + 1)
    param = jnp.zeros((n_params,))
    circuit = Circuit(n_qubits)
    k = 0
    for i in range(n_qubits):
    for i in range(n_qubits):
        circuit.Rx(param[k], i)
        k += 1
    for i in range(n_qubits):
        circuit.Ry(param[k], i)
        k += 1
    for _ in range(depth):
        for i in range(0, n_qubits - 1):
            circuit.CZ(i, i + 1)
        circuit.add_barrier(range(0, n_qubits))
        for i in range(n_qubits):
            circuit.Rx(param[k], i)
            k += 1
        for i in range(n_qubits):
            circuit.Ry(param[k], i)
            k += 1
    return circuit, n_params
n_qubits = 4
depth = 2
circuit, n_params = get_circuit(n_qubits, depth)

Now let’s invoke qujax

The pytket.extensions.qujax.tk_to_qujax function will generate a parameters -> statetensor function for us.

param_to_st = tk_to_qujax(circuit)

Let’s try it out on some random parameters values. Be aware that’s JAX’s random number generator requires a jax.random.PRNGkey every time it’s called - more info on that here. Be aware that we still have convention where parameters are specified as multiples of \(\pi\) - that is in [0,2].

params = random.uniform(random.PRNGKey(0), shape=(n_params,), minval=0.0, maxval=2.0)
statetensor = param_to_st(params)

Note that this function also has an optional second argument where an initiating statetensor_in can be provided. If it is not provided it will default to the all 0s state (as we use here).

We can obtain statevector by simply calling .flatten()

statevector = statetensor.flatten()

And sampling probabilities by squaring the absolute value of the statevector

sample_probs = jnp.square(jnp.abs(statevector))
plt.bar(jnp.arange(statevector.size), sample_probs)

Cost function

Now we have our param_to_st function we are free to define a cost function that acts on bitstrings (e.g. maxcut) or integers by directly wrapping a function around param_to_st. However, cost functions defined via quantum Hamiltonians are a bit more involved. Fortunately, we can encode an Hamiltonian in JAX via the qujax.get_statetensor_to_expectation_func function which generates a statetensor -> expected value function for us. It takes three arguments as input

  • gate_seq_seq: A list of string (or array) lists encoding the gates in each term of the Hamiltonian. I.e. [['X','X'], ['Y','Y'], ['Z','Z']] corresponds to \(H = aX_iX_j + bY_kY_l + cZ_mZ_n\) with qubit indices \(i,j,k,l,m,n\) specified in the second argument and coefficients \(a,b,c\) specified in the third argument

  • qubit_inds_seq: A list of integer lists encoding which qubit indices to apply the aforementioned gates. I.e. [[0, 1],[0,1],[0,1]]. Must have the same structure as gate_seq_seq above.

  • coefficients: A list of floats encoding any coefficients in the Hamiltonian. I.e. [2.3, 0.8, 1.2] corresponds to \(a=2.3,b=0.8,c=1.2\) above. Must have the same length as the two above arguments.

More specifically let’s consider the problem of finding the ground state of the quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian

\[ \begin{equation} H = \sum_{i=1}^{n_\text{qubits}-1} X_i X_{i+1} + Y_i Y_{i+1} + Z_i Z_{i+1}. \end{equation} \]

As described, we define the Hamiltonian via its gate strings, qubit indices and coefficients.

hamiltonian_gates = [["X", "X"], ["Y", "Y"], ["Z", "Z"]] * (n_qubits - 1)
hamiltonian_qubit_inds = [
    [int(i), int(i) + 1] for i in jnp.repeat(jnp.arange(n_qubits), 3)
coefficients = [1.0] * len(hamiltonian_qubit_inds)
print("Gates:\t", hamiltonian_gates)
print("Qubits:\t", hamiltonian_qubit_inds)
print("Coefficients:\t", coefficients)

Now let’s get the Hamiltonian as a pure JAX function

st_to_expectation = qujax.get_statetensor_to_expectation_func(
    hamiltonian_gates, hamiltonian_qubit_inds, coefficients

Let’s check it works on the statetensor we’ve already generated.

expected_val = st_to_expectation(statetensor)

Now let’s wrap the param_to_st and st_to_expectation together to give us an all in one param_to_expectation cost function.

param_to_expectation = lambda param: st_to_expectation(param_to_st(param))

Sanity check that a different, randomly generated set of parameters gives us a new expected value.

new_params = random.uniform(
    random.PRNGKey(1), shape=(n_params,), minval=0.0, maxval=2.0

Exact gradients within a VQE algorithm

The param_to_expectation function we created is a pure JAX function and outputs a scalar. This means we can pass it to jax.grad (or even better jax.value_and_grad).

cost_and_grad = value_and_grad(param_to_expectation)

The cost_and_grad function returns a tuple with the exact cost value and exact gradient evaluated at the parameters.


Now we have all the tools we need to design our VQE!

We’ll just use vanilla gradient descent with a constant stepsize

def vqe(init_param, n_steps, stepsize):
    params = jnp.zeros((n_steps, n_params))
    params = params.at[0].set(init_param)
    cost_vals = jnp.zeros(n_steps)
    cost_vals = cost_vals.at[0].set(param_to_expectation(init_param))
    for step in range(1, n_steps):
        cost_val, cost_grad = cost_and_grad(params[step - 1])
        cost_vals = cost_vals.at[step].set(cost_val)
        new_param = params[step - 1] - stepsize * cost_grad
        params = params.at[step].set(new_param)
        print("Iteration:", step, "\tCost:", cost_val, end="\r")
    return params, cost_vals

Ok enough talking, let’s run (and whilst we’re at it we’ll time it too)

vqe_params, vqe_cost_vals = vqe(params, n_steps=250, stepsize=0.01)

Let’s plot the results…


Pretty good!

jax.jit speedup

One last thing… We can significantly speed up the VQE above via the jax.jit. In our current implementation, the expensive cost_and_grad function is compiled to XLA and then executed at each call. By invoking jax.jit we ensure that the function is compiled only once (on the first call) and then simply executed at each future call - this is much faster!

cost_and_grad = jit(cost_and_grad)

We’ll demonstrate this using the second set of initial parameters we randomly generated (to be sure of no caching).

new_vqe_params, new_vqe_cost_vals = vqe(new_params, n_steps=250, stepsize=0.01)

That’s some speedup! But let’s also plot the training to be sure it converged correctly
