API documentation

Module for conversion from tket to braket

class pytket.extensions.braket.BraketBackend(local=False, local_device='default', device=None, region='', s3_bucket=None, s3_folder=None, device_type=None, provider=None, aws_session=None)[source]

Interface to Amazon Braket service

__init__(local=False, local_device='default', device=None, region='', s3_bucket=None, s3_folder=None, device_type=None, provider=None, aws_session=None)[source]

Construct a new braket backend.

If local=True, other parameters are ignored.

All parameters except device can be set in config using pytket.extensions.braket.set_braket_config(). For device_type, provider and device if no parameter is specified as a keyword argument or in the config file the defaults specified below are used.

  • local (bool) – use simulator running on local machine, default: False

  • local_device (str) – name of local device (ignored if local=False) – e.g. “braket_sv” (default) or “braket_dm”.

  • device (Optional[str]) – device name from device ARN (e.g. “ionQdevice”, “Aspen-8”, …), default: “sv1”

  • region (str) – region from device ARN, default: “”

  • s3_bucket (Optional[str]) – name of S3 bucket to store results

  • s3_folder (Optional[str]) – name of folder (“key”) in S3 bucket to store results in

  • device_type (Optional[str]) – device type from device ARN (e.g. “qpu”), default: “quantum-simulator”

  • provider (Optional[str]) – provider name from device ARN (e.g. “ionq”, “rigetti”, …), default: “amazon”

  • aws_session (Optional[AwsSession]) – braket AwsSession object, to pass credentials in if not configured on local machine

classmethod available_devices(**kwargs)[source]

See pytket.backends.Backend.available_devices(). Supported kwargs: :rtype: List[BackendInfo]

  • region (default None). The particular AWS region to search for devices (e.g. us-east-1). Default to the region configured with AWS. See the Braket docs for more details.

  • aws_session (default None). The credentials of the provided session will be used to create a new session with the specified region. Otherwise, a default new session will be created


Cancel a job.


handle (ResultHandle) – handle to job


NotImplementedError – If backend does not support job cancellation

Return type:



Return a CircuitStatus reporting the status of the circuit execution corresponding to the ResultHandle

Return type:



A suggested compilation pass that will will, if possible, produce an equivalent circuit suitable for running on this backend.

At a minimum it will ensure that compatible gates are used and that all two- qubit interactions are compatible with the backend’s qubit architecture. At higher optimisation levels, further optimisations may be applied.

This is a an abstract method which is implemented in the backend itself, and so is tailored to the backend’s requirements.


optimisation_level (int, optional) –

The level of optimisation to perform during compilation.

  • Level 0 does the minimum required to solves the device constraints, without any optimisation.

  • Level 1 additionally performs some light optimisations.

  • Level 2 (the default) adds more computationally intensive optimisations that should give the best results from execution.


Compilation pass guaranteeing required predicates.

Return type:


get_amplitudes(circuit, states, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the complex coefficients of the final state.

Supported kwargs are as for BraketBackend.process_circuits.


states (List[str]) – classical states of interest, as binary strings of ‘0’ and ‘1’

Return type:

Dict[str, complex]


final complex amplitudes if initial state is all-zeros

get_operator_expectation_value(state_circuit, operator, n_shots=0, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the (exact or empirical) expectation of the observed eigenvalues.

See pytket.expectations.get_operator_expectation_value.

If n_shots > 0 the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If n_shots = 0 (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation.

Supported kwargs are as for BraketBackend.get_pauli_expectation_value.

Return type:


get_operator_variance(state_circuit, operator, n_shots=0, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the (exact or empirical) variance of the observed eigenvalues.

See pytket.expectations.get_operator_expectation_value.

If n_shots > 0 the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If n_shots = 0 (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation.

Supported kwargs are as for BraketBackend.get_pauli_expectation_value.

Return type:


get_pauli_expectation_value(state_circuit, pauli, n_shots=0, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the (exact or empirical) expectation of the observed eigenvalues.

See pytket.expectations.get_pauli_expectation_value.

If n_shots > 0 the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If n_shots = 0 (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation.

Supported kwargs (not valid for local simulator): :rtype: float64

  • poll_timeout_seconds (int) : Polling timeout for synchronous retrieval of result, in seconds (default: 5 days).

  • poll_interval_seconds (int) : Polling interval for synchronous retrieval of result, in seconds (default: 1 second).

get_pauli_variance(state_circuit, pauli, n_shots=0, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the (exact or empirical) variance of the observed eigenvalues.

See pytket.expectations.get_pauli_expectation_value.

If n_shots > 0 the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If n_shots = 0 (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation.

Supported kwargs are as for BraketBackend.get_pauli_expectation_value.

Return type:


get_probabilities(circuit, qubits=None, n_shots=0, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the (exact or empirical) probability distribution of outcomes.

If n_shots > 0 the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If n_shots = 0 (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation.

Supported kwargs are as for BraketBackend.process_circuits.

The order is big-endian with respect to the order of qubits in the argument. For example, if qubits=[0,1] then the order of probabilities is [p(0,0), p(0,1), p(1,0), p(1,1)], while if qubits=[1,0] the order is [p(0,0), p(1,0), p(0,1), p(1,1)], where p(i,j) is the probability of qubit 0 being in state i and qubit 1 being in state j.


qubits (Optional[Iterable[int]]) – qubits of interest

Return type:



list of probabilities of outcomes if initial state is all-zeros

get_result(handle, **kwargs)[source]

See pytket.backends.Backend.get_result(). Supported kwargs: timeout (default none), wait (default 1s).

Return type:


process_circuits(circuits, n_shots=None, valid_check=True, **kwargs)[source]
Return type:


Supported kwargs: - postprocess: apply end-of-circuit simplifications and classical

postprocessing to improve fidelity of results (bool, default False)

  • simplify_initial: apply the pytket SimplifyInitial pass to improve fidelity of results assuming all qubits initialized to zero (bool, default False)


A single compilation pass that when run converts all gates in a Circuit to an OpType supported by the Backend (ignoring architecture constraints).


Compilation pass that converts gates to primitives supported by Backend.

Return type:


property backend_info: BackendInfo

Retrieve all Backend properties in a BackendInfo object, including device architecture, supported gate set, gate errors and other hardware-specific information.


The BackendInfo describing this backend if it exists.

Return type:


property required_predicates: List[Predicate]

The minimum set of predicates that a circuit must satisfy before it can be successfully run on this backend.


Required predicates.

Return type:


property supports_amplitude: bool

Whether the backend support calculation of final state amplitudes

property supports_probability: bool

Whether the backend support calculation of outcome probabilities

property supports_variance: bool

Whether the backend support calculation of operator variance

class pytket.extensions.braket.backends.config.BraketConfig(s3_bucket, s3_folder, device_type, provider)[source]

Holds config parameters for pytket-braket.

classmethod from_extension_dict(ext_dict)[source]

Abstract method to build PytketExtConfig from dictionary serialized form.

Return type:


pytket.extensions.braket.backends.config.set_braket_config(s3_bucket=None, s3_folder=None, device_type=None, provider=None)[source]

Set default values for any of s3_bucket, s3_folder, device_type or provider for AWS Braket. Can be overridden in backend construction.

Return type:


Conversion from tket to braket


Convert a braket circuit to a tket Circuit


bkcirc (Circuit) – circuit to be converted

Return type:



circuit converted to tket

pytket.extensions.braket.braket_convert.tk_to_braket(tkcirc, mapped_qubits=False, forced_qubits=None, force_ops_on_target_qubits=False)[source]

Convert a tket Circuit to a braket circuit.

  • tkcirc (Circuit) – circuit to be converted

  • mapped_qubits (bool) – if True, tkcirc must have a single one-dimensional qubit register; the indices of the qubits in that register correspond directly to the qubit identifiers in the braket circuit

  • forced_qubits (Optional[List[int]]) – optional list of braket qubit identifiers to include in the converted circuit even if they are unused

  • force_ops_on_target_qubits (bool) – if True, add no-ops to all target qubits

Return type:

Tuple[Circuit, List[int], Dict[int, int]]


circuit converted to braket; list of braket qubit ids corresponding in order of corresponding positions in tkcirc.qubits; (partial) map from braket qubit ids to corresponding pytket bit indices holding measurement results