.. currentmodule:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ 0.9.0 (October 2024) --------------------- * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.33. 0.8.0 (September 2024) ---------------------- * API breaking changes * Removed ``use_kahypar`` option from ``Config``. It can still be set via the ``simulate`` option ``compilation_params``. * New feature: ``simulate`` now accepts pytket circuits with ``Measure``, ``Reset``, ``Conditional``, ``ClassicalExpBox`` and more classical operations. You can now retrieve classical bit values using ``get_bits``. * When calling ``simulate``, the gates on the circuit are no longer sorted by default. Use ``compilation_params["sort_gates"] = True`` to recover this behaviour, which is now deprecated. * ``StructuredState`` now supports simulation of single qubit circuits. * Some bugfixes on ``MPSxMPO`` relating to measurement and relabelling qubits. The bug was caused due to these functions not guaranteeing the MPO was applied before their action. * Documentation fixes: * ``apply_qubit_relabelling`` now appears in the documentation. * ``add_qubit`` removed from documentation of ``MPSxMPO``, since it is not currently supported. 0.7.1 (July 2024) ----------------- * New official `documentation site `_. * Backend methods can now be given a ``scratch_fraction`` argument to configure the amount of GPU memory allocated to cuTensorNet contraction. Users can also configure the values of the ``StateAttribute`` and ``SamplerAttribute`` from cuTensornet via the backend interface. * Fixed a bug causing the logger to fail displaying device properties. 0.7.0 (July 2024) ----------------- * API breaking changes * Renamed ``CuTensorNetBackend`` to ``CuTensorNetStateBackend``. * Moved ``get_operator_expectation_value`` and ``get_circuit_overlap`` from ``backends`` submodule to ``general_state`` submodule. * **Warning** ``TensorNetwork`` object will soon be deprecated in favour of the new ``GeneralState``. * New API: ``GeneralState`` for exact simulation of circuits via contraction-path optimisation. Currently supports ``get_statevector()``, ``expectation_value()`` and ``sample()``. * New feature: ``CuTensorNetShotsBackend`` for simulation of circuit shots. * New feature: MPS algorithms ``MPSxGate`` and ``MPSxMPO`` now support simulation of two-qubit gates acting on non-adjacent qubits. * New feature: ``add_qubit`` to add fresh qubits at specified positions in an ``MPS``. * New feature: added an option to ``measure`` to toggle destructive measurement on/off. Currently only supported for ``MPS``. * New feature: a seed can now be provided to ``Config`` objects, providing reproducibility across ``StructuredState`` simulations. * New feature: ``apply_unitary`` both for ``MPS`` and ``TTN`` to apply an arbitrary unitary matrix, rather than a ``pytket.Command``. * New feature: ``apply_qubit_relabelling`` both for ``MPS`` and ``TTN`` to change the name of their qubits. This is now used within ``simulate`` to take into account the action of implicit SWAPs in pytket circuits (no additional SWAP gates are applied). * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.30. 0.6.1 (April 2024) ------------------ * When using ``simulate`` with ``TTNxGate`` algorithm, the initial partition is obtained using NetworkX instead of KaHyPar by default. This makes setup easier and means that ``TTNxGate`` can now be used when installing from PyPI. KaHyPar can still be used if ``use_kahypar`` from ``Config`` is set to True. * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.27. 0.6.0 (April 2024) ------------------ * **New feature**: Tree Tensor Network (TTN) simulator, supporting both fixed ``chi`` and ``truncation_fidelity``. Calculation of single amplitudes is supported by ``get_amplitude`` and inner products by ``vdot``. Measurement and postselection are not yet supported. * **New API**: both ``MPS`` and ``TTN`` share a common interface: ``StructuredState``. Import paths have changed, multiple classes have been renamed: ``ConfigMPS`` is now ``Config``, ``ContractionAlg`` is now ``SimulationAlgorithm``. Documentation has been updated accordingly. * Canonicalisation of MPS is now always applied before a two-qubit gate. We found that this tends to reduce runtime due to canonicalisation decreasing virtual bond dimension. * Two-qubit gates are now decomposed (SVD) before applying them to remove null singular values (e.g. in ``XXPhase`` gates). * Fixed a bug on copying an ``MPS`` if ``truncation_fidelity`` was set. * Fixed a bug on ``CuTensorNetHandle`` that would prevent it from working when the device set was different from the default one (``dev=0``) and when using ``cuTensorNet>=2.3.0``. * Fixed a bug on ``TensorNetwork`` due to unsupported ``Create`` operation. * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.26. 0.5.4 (January 2024) -------------------- * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.24. * Python 3.12 support added, 3.9 dropped. 0.5.3 (January 2024) -------------------- * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.23. 0.5.2 (December 2023) --------------------- * ``MPS`` simulation with fixed ``truncation_fidelity`` now uses the corresponding truncation primitive from cuQuantum (v23.10). * Updated pytket version requirement to 1.22. 0.4.0 (October 2023) -------------------- * API Update. Configuration of ``MPS`` simulation parameters is now done via ``ConfigMPS``. * Added a ``value_of_zero`` parameter to ``ConfigMPS`` for the user to indicate the threshold below which numbers are so small that can be interpreted as zero. * Added a logger to MPS methods. Use it by setting ``loglevel`` in ``ConfigMPS``. * Improved performance of contraction across ``MPS`` methods by hardcoding the contraction paths. * Fixed a bug that caused more MPS canonicalisation than strictly required. * Fixed a bug where ``simulate`` would not apply the last batch of gates when using ``MPSxMPO``. 0.3.0 (September 2023) ---------------------- * Added MPS sampling feature. * Refactored MPS module for better maintainability and extendability. * ``Tensor`` class removed from the API since it is no longer necessary. 0.2.1 (August 2023) ------------------- * Improved backend gate set to allow for more gate types. * Fixed a bug in ``apply_gate`` of MPS algorithms that would cause internal dimensions to be tracked wrongly in certain edge cases, causing a crash. 0.2.0 (July 2023) ----------------- * Added post selection capability for expectation value tensor networks. * Added MPS simulation approaches, supporting two contraction algorithms (gate-by-gate and DMRG-like). Supports exact simulation, as well as approximate simulation with either fixed virtual bond dimension or target gate fidelity. 0.1.0 (June 2023) ----------------- * Initial implementation of the converter and backend modules for use on a single GPU.