Getting Started ================ In this section is a collection of examples demonstrating how to use Nexus capabilities, mostly via the Python client, qnexus. If you have a Nexus account, you can run the code in the :ref:`Lab `. You can also use `qnexus` from your own environment. To get started, please see `our getting started guide `_. For more details on the qnexus API, please see the `Nexus API Reference overview. <../nexus_api/qnexus_api.rst>`_. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``qnexus`` package is publicly available on `PyPI `_ and can be installed with .. code-block:: bash pip install qnexus Extras: If you are planning on running Qiskit simulations with noise models on Nexus, you will need to install the extra dependency with ``pip install qnexus[qiskit]``. Available code examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 notebooks/getting_started.ipynb notebooks/auth_quotas.ipynb notebooks/backend_configuration.ipynb notebooks/devices_credentials.ipynb notebooks/jobs_results.ipynb notebooks/projects_properties_context.ipynb notebooks/quantinuum_examples.ipynb notebooks/refs_nexus_iterator.ipynb notebooks/saving_refs.ipynb notebooks/teams_roles.ipynb