.. _inviting_users Inviting users ============== Organization administrators can invite users by clicking on the "Invite users" button on the Users tab of the :doc:`management page`. .. image:: images/org_page_users_tab.png :width: 800 :alt: Users tab of the organization details page Multiple users can be invited by entering each email separated by a space. An optional :doc:`group<../concepts/organizing>` can be assigned to the invited users. Also, you can check the "Organization Admin" check-box to grant the :doc:`administrator permission` to all the users that will be invited. .. image:: images/invite_users_dialog.png :width: 600 :alt: Invite users dialog The users will receive an invitation email and should then follow the instructions to sign-up and access Quantinuum Nexus. If a user's temporary password has expired, you can reset it by selecting "Reset password" from the user action menu on the organization page. .. note:: When a user is invited to Quantinuum Nexus, they are assigned a :doc:`priority<../concepts/priorities>` of 5 by default.